What information can you give me about sinus infections?...Any suggestions you have are very much appreciated. Thank you....Reactions0reactionsComments4 replies
New medication prescribed ...The side effects are pretty scary. Several people have told me they lost so much wey& got really sick while on it & tough also when stopping....Reactions0reactionsComments5 replies
Lots of ?'s and unsure of what to expect....Not sure it's related or could be other underlying issues?...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
Are there any essential oils you can put in a diffuser to help to open the airways?...Reactions0reactionsComments3 replies
Status Update On My Brother (and me)...He has been there for over a month. He called me last week all mumbly, and reported that he had had surgery on the cancer....Reactions0reactionsComments17 repliesCoping
adverse effects xanax,risperidone...Mother 88 yr, end stage copd, in nursing home, they are giving here xanax and risperidone. Should we be concerned about adverse effects?...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
Me and my Organoid...These mini-organs can be stored in biobanks and can be used for scientific research, drug screening, disease modeling, precision medicine and regenerative...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesResearch & Clinical Trials
Cough all the time, it just will not stop...Have been for 5 weeks now. I cannot get to a lung specialist for about 7 weeks, must be a lot of sick people around here....Reactions0reactionsComments14 repliesSymptomsDiagnosis
COPD pain + doctor...Finally went to urgent care for chest pain, got chest X-ray that showed copd, been trying for over a week just to get someone at pulmonologist to answer...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesCoping
Painting, drawing, sketching ...So relaxing, even if you haven't the talent to draw there are some awesome paintings by numbers you can achieve (Amazon have a great selection) a friend...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Almost Diagnosed...However, a High Res CT came back and my lungs are hyper-inflated and a thoracic surgeon mentioned it indicates mild COPD....Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesBreathingProgressionSymptoms
Coping...Listening to others stories and the articles you publish my symptoms are normal and nothing to worry about....Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
COPD and Gerd...Anybody have this and what treatment are you using? Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks...Reactions0reactionsComments12 replies
Lung cancer screening...Well this is going to be a busy and scary couple of weeks for me....Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesCopingAwarenessBreathing
Great day...I had a good day my breathing was much better than it had been....Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesCoping
Wrist oxmieter...I'm really just trying to give information I think would be useful to some people....Reactions0reactionsComments16 replies
Pain in back/ ribs...Got up this morning with pain in my back right rib. 2 hours later the pain had increased and migrated through to the front as if I'd been shot...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesBreathing
Re breathlessness...advised that I have COPD yet but I will speak with the nurse today.any ideas would be great steve...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesBreathing
Travel areas of heat or cold ...I have severe severe COPD I am 76 and have been living with this Dx for over 30yrs and somehow I still survive, I am grateful for life!...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesWeather