Active yesterdayDoes anyone have experience with hydrogen therapy as a treatment for COPD?Dear forum friends, I am asking this question in relation to the exercabation I am currently experiencing. I was diagnosed with COPD about 12 years ago and 30 days ago...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesBreathing
How often do you change your tubing and canula?How often do you change tubing and canula...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesBreathing
How do I keep my spirits up?Just in the last year, in addition to my Stage 4 COPD, I have developed a micro bacterial lung infection that has severely affected my energy, breathing and life as...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesBreathing
Medicine for insomniaHowHas anyone found a solution to their problem of insomnia that doesn't interfere with breathing? I'm finding that everything I'm prescribed can possibly interfere with my breathing, so I'm becoming...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesSleepBreathing
Breathing Why do I have trouble breathing when it is cold outside and I'm indoors?...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesBreathing
breathingOn a Cpap machine but still having thickness of mucus. So is it the machine or copd that is making it harder for me to breath....Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesBreathing
At home ventilatorIs anyone using an at home non-invasive ventilator. I am stage 3 severe emphysema....Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesBreathingTreatment
Intercostal Neuralgia I've been having a problem with intercostal nerve pain and it can be excruciating. Has anyone else had this and what can you do for it?...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesBreathing
Hey, it's COPD not COVID-19!Don't you just hate it when you have COPD, have to wear a mask and then cough behind the mask due to rebreathing your CO2? Someone should design a mask...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesBreathing
To prevent bacterial infection from reoccurring, how often should I change my canula for a new one? Reactions0reactionsComments12 repliesBreathing