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COPD and Gerd

Have copd for years now. Started having acid reflux at night, wakes me up, have about 2 a week now. Anybody have this and what treatment are you using? Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks

  1. Hi bassman, Thanks for reaching out to us in our forums. We are sorry to hear about your acid reflux. While I hope the community can provide you with some of their personal experiences and support here is an article that may be helpful:

    Addiitonally, you may want to reach out to our Facebook community who may be able to provide you with some feedback.
    Lastly, since we don't have a direct article relating to acid reflux and COPD, I will bring this back to our team of writers and see if anyone has experienced this so we can get an article on our site.

    We hope you get some relief soon and thanks so much for being part of our community.
    Lauren ( Team)

    1. The best 'treatment' is a teaspoon or two of baking soda in a small glass ofvwater .. take the gassy bloat away

      1. I was diagnosed with Eosinophilic esophagitis, and Barrettes a couple years ago. They repeat the EGD every other year now. Taking Prilosec, and using Gaviscon antacids has really stopped most of the symptoms. Wish I'd done the EGD earlier so I could have avoided some of the awful symptoms.

        1. I have both conditions and one can definitely aggravate the other. I have what they call “silent reflux”. I do not get heartburn but reflux usually makes it all the way up to the back of my throat.

          1. Thanks for writing Janet. My reflux isn’t as bad as yours. It just aggravates my COPD and makes me cough and some sometimes wheeze more. I take an H2 blocker which seems to control it pretty well. Of course I love all the things you’re not supposed to eat or drink, especially coffee and chocolate!


          2. Thanks, Janet!

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