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Lung cancer screening

Well this is going to be a busy and scary couple of weeks for me. Have a dr appt Monday, then a cancer screening on the 6th, then a breathing test on the 18th. The cancer screening is the scariest. I've just been praying that comes out ok. Never had one of those before. I'm very, very clostrofobic. I hope that's spelled right. It doesn't look to scary to go into, if you've had one please let me know how it is. Pray for me that everything is OK, please. Have had COPD for about 6 years now and it's very hard for me to do anything. Seems like my breathing is getting worst and worst. My husband and son take very good care of me but I at times feel so bad that I can't cook or do laundry or clean my house! Who'd of thought I would miss doing that stuff. Well, wish me luck!!

  1. If the screening is a CT scan then that is the one I had. The CT machine is like a big donut, you lay on your back and it only takes a few minutes., waiting for the test and the results is actually the worse of it all. I, like you have issues with enclosed places, but this one wasn't so bad, but I concentrated on wiggling my toes (which you ask the tech if you can of course) and keeping my eyes closed. Once you are in the machine, a voice will let you know to inhale and hold your breath, then of course to breath again, that is really fast too! Another option you could contact your doctor, let him/her know you have issues with being in tight places and they will usually be able to prescribe you one little pill to relax you for the test, I use this for MRI's and other tight places they choose to put me every so often. This of course will be explained to you when you get to the appointment, all the people that do these types are tests are very sweet and will try to help you relax through it. It is a fast test, probably about the same amount of time as a mammogram takes., for an example.

    Here is a link I found, about 1/2 way down the page on the right, you will see a person in the CT machine for cancer screening, hope this helps ease you a little

    Yes, cleaning and cooking is something I can still do some of, but nothing like I use to and truly not as fast for sure. I do understand as many on here just might also. It's great that your dear hubby and son help out, some of us are very lucky to have the extra help available. As for laundry, I still help switch loads over from washer to dryer and later fold them of course for that is much easier and need to keep those arms moving! You forgot doing dishes! I love standing if I can to wash them, makes my hands feel so good from the arthritis.

    Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a clean screening!
    Best of luck to you,

    1. abbydogg1952,
      Hope you are getting over your worrying about a cancer screening. I get a CT scan every six months and let me tell you it is nothing. Just as Doris described above, it is a piece of cake. There is nothing to be claustrophobic about. It is not like you are enclosed in a box or anything. It only takes a matter of a couple minutes. I wait longer in the waiting room then it takes to get it. I am more concerned with getting blood draws than a CT scan. I hate needles and dread getting blood drawn. The anticipation is way worse than the procedure for sure. It is not easy to not worry about something you have never experienced before. But worrying will not change a thing and will just drain energy. I do my best not to worry about things I cannot change. It is easier said than done for sure. COPD is a progressive disease and will get worse over time. The only thing we can do is our best to keep it at bay. By that I mean taking meds on time every time, seeing your doctor whenever necessary, exercising daily (no matter how little), doing breathing exercises daily, and eating a good diet. All these things combined really help to keep COPD under control as much as possible. I wish you the best in all your test results. Please let the forum know how the test results turn out. The more knowledge we all share, the better we all can manage our COPD. Take care and God Bless!

      1. Hey checking in to see how you fared getting through the cancer screening test? Hope it went easier then you thought and that you might have got a little medication to help if needed. I hope all is well and on to the 18th for the RFT breathing test right? I am wishing much luck and prayers to boot for a good out come on each!

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