I got sick last April very suddenly. It started with dry cough, some regurgitation/reflux and then I couldn't breath very badly for two weeks. I felt better for a day, then the breathing difficulties came back and has come and gone to varying degrees some days pretty badly. My FEV scores were pretty good and I tested negative for Asthma in a methacoline challenge (to test for Asthma), to the point where my pulmonologist said he doesn't think there is a pulmonary issue. However, a High Res CT came back and my lungs are hyper-inflated and a thoracic surgeon mentioned it indicates mild COPD. I don't feel great 7 days a week with my breathing, but on the bad days, there is a stinging feeling when I breath in. Not looking for diagnosis, but all the data is weird, with sudden onset and normal PF Tests, but hyperinflation and difficulties breathing weekly, even after a year. Just wondering if this is in any way similar to anyone's experiences? Can COPD start so rapidly and does anyone have experience with problems breathing, yet normal PF tests? I am very confused and as a primary care taker and 49 year old single father of young girl, also worried.