My frequent exacerbationsIn Florida it got so cold I got pneumonia , I never recovered and coughed till I couldn't cough anymore. I went to the doctor and went for a breathing...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesProgression
Richard I’ve had copd since I was young now I have severe copd. Short of breath just walking around the house...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesProgression
Newly diagnosed former FirefighterI am a 57 year old man and was diagnosed with COPD/EMPHYSEMA over 2 years ago and since then my breathing has been short and I get out of breath...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesProgressionSmoking
How do you deal with knowing what it's going to do to you, when your times up.I was told two and a half years ago that I had asthma, chronic bronchitis ,COPD , and in stage 3 emphysema, I didn't believe them. I partied, smoked ,drank...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesMental HealthEmphysemaProgression
Novel ideas to help your breathingI am posing this question and asking other members to share their opinions or ideas of ways to help you breathe more comfortably and manage your COPD....Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesCopingProgressionSymptoms
How long do your exacerbations typically last?I was diagnosed last year with Bronchiectasis and COPD (Emphysema). I'm in the midst of my 4th exacerbation in the past 15 months. This is day 8. The combo of...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesFlares ProgressionSymptoms
lung capacity questionsHoping someone can shed some light on a few questions I have. My father, age 81 and a former long-time smoker, is suffering from end-stage COPD, emphysema, and kidney disease...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesProgressionEmphysemaEnd Stage
CPAP and Hyperinflation?Has anyone heard of CPAP contributing to hyperinflation? I've woken up many a time literally fighting to breath out, and being forced to inhale again by the pressure. According to...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesBreathingSleepProgression
Help, please: Did my dad have COPD?Hi, I decided to post here because I lost my 60 year old dad 3 weeks ago, and I am trying to understand or make sense of it, if anyone...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesSymptomsProgressionSmoking