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Lots of ?'s and unsure of what to expect.

Hello! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this group. I do apologize for all the questions I'm about to ask. I'm Sara and I'm here w all these ?'s because my friend Brian has been recently diagnosed with stage 3 copd. We met only a yr ago when I started a new job. Brian had no plans of going to a Dr until he had a few episodes,one that left him coming to outside, on his hands and knees gasping for air. That would have been about a yr ago. After a few months alot of his symptoms changed. I must say that he hasn't went back to work since Feb 2023. I think that helped due to the dusty environment. We have went to several different Dr's and honestly not one symptom or question has been answered. I'm not sure if what he has and is experiencing is normal and I understand there is no 2 cases the same which doesn't help either 🥺. When he has an episode his hand usually one side for awhile then it'll switch to other side. But it'll twitch, or shake, complains of his elbows hurting. Really it's more his whole body cause his legs ache and he feels weak. Recently he hasn't had many dizzy spells but yesterday we talked and I was going to stop over. 30 40 mins I arrive and no response. Guessing 1.5hrs he calls and tells me he just woke up laying on floor like he passed out. He can't remember but thinks he went to open the Window and that was it. I'm worried about him being alone and if this does happen or become more frequent how do u handle it? He usually will feel an episode coming on and lay down but this was different. I read about the syncope and not sure if this is the same since that is only passing out for a few secs/mins. Once this starts happening is there any other things I should look for or be aware of? Another issue is after and before an episode he will stutter and getting words out is difficult for a day or so. Has any one else experienced these issues w copd? Not sure it's related or could be other underlying issues? Of course he has a lot of other serious symptoms like fingers turning black is he plays his guitar for more than a song or two, numbness ... just really concerned and not sure what to do. Thanks for everyone's time that reads this and or responds.
Again, Thank you!

  1. Wow sure do understand why you are worried about him! You are a good person trying to figure out and help your friend Brian. You mentioned that he can tell when an episode is about to happen or starting. After a lot of thinking and thinking, having seen multiple doctors of some sort. Sometimes things can not be found with out it happening at the time. Wondering for Brian's safety especially with him ending up on the floor, is if he might consider calling EMT's (911) to get emergency medical treatment as he is feeling one of these episodes coming on? Once he called for their help, then lay on the couch, feet up of course to keep everything flowing properly and him not falling down and breaking a bone or something. This way an medical person can see what he is experiencing also we would be on the phone with the operator giving them information of course or just talking until help arrived. Personally I feel that might be his best option and go to the hospital with them for testing and such. In the mean time with Brian having COPD already, does he have a good Pulmonologist? What about a constant regular Primary Care provider. Brian and you both need to keep in mind that these doctors are working and caring for you, ask questions, ask for answers. Keep communications open with each and all of them. Sorry I could not be any other assistance to you, but as you did reference somewhat, everyone is different and then what you are describing could be caused by a number of things. I so wish Brian the best and again thank you for being a good friend!

    1. Hi Sara, thank you for reaching out! I hear how concerned you feel for your friend. It sounds like Brian has a lot of different and troubling symptoms. While some of those symptoms certainly can be related to COPD, it is possible they may not all be due to COPD. Passing out easily for extended periods of time and slurring words are definitely symptoms that should be looked at more closely by a doctor. Numbness in the feet and a blueish/black tinge to the fingers and toes can be related to COPD, but again, should definitely be discussed and checked out with his doctor. We have a couple of articles that might be of interest to you. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

      I hope some of this might be helpful! Please keep us posted on how he is managing and what you learn from the doctor. Brian is fortunate to have you in his life. You are clearly a very caring and involved friend. Know we are here to listen when you need support or have questions. Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson (team member)

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