Living with End Stage Emphysema...During my last hospital visit in May, one of the pulmonary doctors told me I had end-stage emphysema. I had never heard this diagnosis before, and got very emotional, thinking...Reactions0reactionsComments48 repliesEnd StageEmphysema
Yesterday my new pulmonologist had great news...She said there were no signs of emphysema on either my chest or lung cts She showed me the xrays and explained all the little white dots.(calification, damage from smoking...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesAwarenessMental HealthNewly Diagnosed
COPD and back pain?...I have COPD, Afib, and arthritis. I am constantly fatigued. I don’t know which condition is causing my back pain. Does COPD cause back pain? I was diagnosed approx 2...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesEmphysemaCoping
Anxiety and Breathing...Some people haven’t heard the part about managing and controlling the anxiety that accompanies episodes of shortness of breath. It is so important that we take control of our episodes...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Testing without Albuterol...My wife says she can't do mornings without her Albuterol long enough to get her test done at the hospital what do I do they just keep saying that she...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesCaregivingPulmonary RehabilitationSmoking
COPD diagnosed but no wheezing or congestion...I have been diagnosed with COPD. Had a PFT and have been given albuteral and fluctisone inhalers. What I am curious about is; I don't seem to have lung issues...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesSymptoms
Trying to figure out what is making me worse...Has anybody had or know of someone that had experienced a flare up from the use of Mucinex daily?...Reactions0reactionsComments23 repliesBreathing
is losing your balance a sign of is not my is not my ears....Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesSymptoms
Wildfires From Canada...These Canadian wildfires have had a serious impact on a large portion of the U.S. In Illinois, our air quality has been at the highest levels that I have ever...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Sleep Study...I've been recently diagnosed with COPD, this past Memorial Day weekend to be exact. I did a sleep study with a watch like device and finger probe. It turned out...Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesSleep
breathing problems after COVID...I am 33s man. I was smoking occasionally between 20-27s. I practiced sport until I was 30 years old (triathlon). After COVID in 2021 I felt that my physical capacity...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesDiagnosisBreathingSymptoms
Has anyone participated in a home respiratory program? They evaluate patient, check out how patient is using medications, inhalers and oxygen supplementary equipment. It is funded by Medicare. They work......My goal is to become fit enough to attend Pulmonary Rehab classes. I want to make sure that I am using my medicine, inhalers and oxygen units for my best...Reactions0reactionsComments15 repliesPulmonary Rehabilitation
Plumonary rehab...Im waiting to hear from the plumonary rehab team that have to contact me to get the ball rolling so to speak. Im actually looking forward to getting involved with...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesCopingPulmonary RehabilitationNewly Diagnosed
Summer Heat, Humidity, and Air Quality as COPD Triggers...Summer is here, and so is the chance to enjoy the great outdoors. But be careful. If you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you may find that certain aspects...Reactions0reactionsComments25 comments
Diagnosed via ct scan last week with extensive emphysema...Hi all, so last week after being admitted to hospital with strep pnuemonia and lung fungus I was diagnosed with extensive pulmonary emphysema…… I’m terrified of what the future holds...Reactions0reactionsComments15 replies
A Day at the Park With the Boys...Being a grandparent is one of life’s little pleasures. For many years I never really thought I would have grandchildren. The dream was elusive and fleeting. After I found out...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Not sure if I’m having a flare up or if this is my new baseline...I’ve had been diagnosed with COPD for about 10 years now. I smoked for about 50 years off and on. Quitting and restarting several times and now do not smoke...Reactions0reactionsComments26 repliesBreathing
Being apart of the copd community ...When I was first diagnosed with COPD I had no clue about what was going to happen to me and I definitely want to learn all I can about this...Reactions0reactionsComments4 replies
Pulmonary Rehabilitation...Has anyone done pulmonary rehabilitation? I'm curious as to what all is involved. Thank you....Reactions0reactionsComments100 repliesPulmonary Rehabilitation
Money Saving Tip - For some ??? ...Hey everyone, I do not know why I did not post this earlier, but it just came back to mind. NOT based on income either!!!! Some Utility companies will give...Reactions0reactionsComments6 replies