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Showing Gratitude to our Respiratory Care Teams

Did you know it's Respiratory Care Week? Share how your respiratory therapist and/or care team has made a difference in your health journey in the comments!

  1. Samantha,
    It is kind of funny to see this post this morning. I just went through a hospital stay and follow up visit to my medical team yesterday. When the doctor was done examining me and talking, I told him that his medical team was the best medical care I have ever received in my lifetime and that I appreciate all that they do for me. He was a bit humble and sheepishly thanked me! So, it is obvious to me that our medical teams do not hear it enough or at all. Even something as small as a simple thank you for being there for me is very much appreciated. Take care all and God Bless!

    1. G'morning, - thanks so much for sharing this with all of us here! I have no doubt, based on you sharing your very personal story with all of us, that your medical team is nothing less than exemplary. The 'proof of the pudding', naturally, is the success you are having on a consistent basis receiving the benefit of their care!
      We truly value your membership and consistent participation here within the community.
      Continue to do well, Dminor!!
      Have a great Friday and weekend!!
      Leon L (author/moderator)

      1. Three cheers for our kind and hardworking respiratory care leaders here on the site. We appreciate you! 😀

        Please read our rules before posting.