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Blood tests

Hello everybody, Well I haven’t posted for a while, I have been here and there having bloods done, one I had done I had to take it from my Doctor,s to the hospital to the blood lab there within two hours of having it done. Has anyone else had this done. I am hoping you are all okay my dear friends.X

  1. Hi, I should have said hope you are all coping okay and managing okay my dear friends.X

    1. Hi , good to hear from you! Getting bloodwork done can always feel like an ordeal. I know all hospital and clinic systems are different, but it's surprising to me that you had to deliver your bloodwork personally to the lab. The system I am familiar with in my region has a lab currier that transports samples between the clinics and lab. It's especially frustrating to force that task on you when it must be done within a certain timeframe - especially given that COPD impacts your energy and stamina. I appreciate you sharing with us and will be interested in what others members of the community have to say!

      How are you feeling today? Please keep us posted on how you are managing. I hope your lab work results are as expected! Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson (team member)

      1. Hi Allyson, Thankyou for your reply, It is greatly appreciated. Yes I thought it was strange also, got to have more in a couple of weeks also.I hope all is well for you , Thankyou again for your reply.X

    2. Hi again, - nice to see you here again! I missed your presence and contributions - it's always better here when we can chat a bit!
      Like my good colleague, , I do have a concern about you being asked to transport your own blood sample. That is highly irregular. It is the responsibility of the doctor's office and/or the laboratory where the sample was taken to have the sample delivered. I wonder what that is all about!
      How have you been feeling since we last spoke with you here?
      Once again, it is good to 'see' you!!
      Leon L (author/moderator)

      1. Hi Leon, I agree with you. I will bring it up , but when the nurse who took the blood said sometimes this does happen, when the blood has to be in quickly with a certain blood test.X

      2. I hear you, - there is a limit to what a patient can do in this type of situation. I would hope this is more of an exception than a rule. It remains somewhat odd and illogical that the 'quickness' of delivery is assigned to the patient.
        All the best,
        Leon L (author/moderator)

    3. Never heard of such a thing in the areas I have lived, but then in todays world nothing is to surprising. Hey do you think if you sent them a transportation / delivery bill they would pay you? LOL. Glad to she you are back! Hope some of your "here and there" was enjoyable. How's the baby watch coming? May you get some good rest my friend.

      1. Hi dltld, Yep baby watch is going okay, not long now how are you hopefully everything is going the right way. Weird though about the blood thing, very strange , dltld Thankyou for your reply means a great deal to me. X

      2. , we're all excited for you and look forward to hearing about grandbaby news soon!! Please keep us posted! ~Allyson (team member)

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