FeaturedCOPD LearningsWhat is something YOU didn't know about COPD that you have since learned?...Reactions0reactionsComments128 repliesAwarenessCoping
FeaturedActive 6 days agoCOPD Frustrations!What is the most frustrating part about living with COPD?...Reactions0reactionsComments439 repliesAwarenessCoping
Active todayDoes anyone have experience with hydrogen therapy as a treatment for COPD?Dear forum friends, I am asking this question in relation to the exercabation I am currently experiencing. I was diagnosed with COPD about 12 years ago and 30 days ago...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesBreathing
Active todayCopd asthma edema in feetRecently my feet are puffier then usual ,I'm not but seems like I get more out of breath when my feet are puffy I was recently prescribed predestone and my...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesSide Effects
Active 5 days ago Covid vaccine anybody?How many on the board have had the vaccine? Did you have any side-effects? I’m still trying to decide what to do about it. I’m really scared of it. I...Reactions0reactionsComments14 repliesCopingTips & Advice
Active 5 days agoWhat would you share with others who are newly diagnosed with COPD?Comment your learnings, tips, resources, or (non-medical) advice here to support others going through it 💙...Reactions0reactionsComments121 replies
Active 6 days agoMedication flopsI was diagnosed 20 years ago. It's been one battle after another in the United States. Currently I have had to jump start my lungs the old fashion way. Without...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesInsurance & Disability
Active 6 days agoMy frequent exacerbationsIn Florida it got so cold I got pneumonia , I never recovered and coughed till I couldn't cough anymore. I went to the doctor and went for a breathing...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesProgression
Active 6 days agoHow often do you change your tubing and canula?How often do you change tubing and canula...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesBreathing
Active 6 days agoWhat has your COPD treatment experience been like?Which medications, procedures, natural remedies, and other treatments have helped you? Which haven't?...Reactions0reactionsComments171 repliesTreatmentSurgery
Active 7 days agoHow do I keep my spirits up?Just in the last year, in addition to my Stage 4 COPD, I have developed a micro bacterial lung infection that has severely affected my energy, breathing and life as...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesBreathing