Ra vs copd...Does anyone have ra &copd? I have both and it seems like when the ra is acting up it makes my...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesBreathing
IS IT COPD?...If I do have COPD I dont have the coughing part But I get mucus stuck in my throat and chest....Reactions0reactionsComments5 replies
Copd air physio...My father is suffering very badly in the mornings makingveach day a dread. Any information greatly appreciated 🙏...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesBreathing
Living with copd...I have COPD and chronic bronchitis and asthma so hard to breathe I wear a patch so I don't smoke but sometimes...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
COPD Hobbies / Exercise...Of course once a week I have to make many trips for watering, thus getting more steps in....Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesCopingExerciseTips & Advice
Exercising with copd...I have severe copd & heart issues. I sit on my sofa everyday not doing much of everything....Reactions0reactionsComments9 replies
Good Day - New Equipment POC and HOC...Well it was a great day today, first I changed O2 companies and received my new equipment for O2 use at home and...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesBreathingTreatmentTravel
Surgery and COPD...I was so worried about oxygen during a major surgery when I should have been more concerned about carbon dioxide while under....Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAwarenessBreathing
6 minute walk test...Could some of you share your experience of having the 6 minute walk test?...Reactions0reactionsComments30 repliesDiagnosis
Living with COPD...What's it like for me living with COPD.... The constant reminder that I used to smoke and gave it up years ago....Reactions0reactionsComments16 repliesEmphysemaBreathing
COPD and Relationships...How has COPD impacted your relationships with family, friends, and others (i.e. dating, coworkers, acquaintances, etc.)?...Reactions0reactionsComments97 repliesCopingFriends & Family
COPD and exercise...So when I hear about you guys exercising I give you a lot of credit and you're good will strong minded people I have...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesBreathingCopingExercise
Pain with copd...Hello all I have started seeing a chiropractor. I have had some relief, my next move is to start acupuncture....Reactions0reactionsComments0 replies
Bloating and copd...Dr says to exercise to lose weight, need info on this side effect of copd. Take simmethicone and it helps soom....Reactions0reactionsComments5 replies
COPD and AFIB...My husband was diagnosed with afib about 2 years ago. It has been unable control . He was diagnosed with COPD about 6 years...Reactions0reactionsComments9 replies
COPD and pneumonia...Greetings, I've had COPD for years. I usually get flaw-ups every winter with bronchitis....Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesPulmonary RehabilitationSmokingChronic Bronchitis
My COPD experience....On Nov 2015 I was exposed to a breeze an cold day and I got a cold and had breathing problems.I...Reactions0reactionsComments20 replies
COPD new diagnosis...I was diagnosed last March and was diagnosed with phenomena and COPD with Emphysema and I also have Barrettes esoughious and lucky have not have any issues...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
COPD and Oxygen...I have Copd and emphysema with chronic bronchitis,heart failure, with AF ( Aortal fibrillation) long term 24 hours a day Oxygen,I have a...Reactions0reactionsComments13 repliesCopingAwarenessHealthcare Team
Showering and COPD...It was just so hard for me that I chose to clean myself without the bath or shower. Still it was a...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesTips & Advice