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Ra vs copd

Does anyone have ra &copd? I have both and it seems like when the ra is acting up it makes my breathing difficult. I plan to talk to my Dr in 2 weeks at my regular appt. Just wondering if any one know what may be going on?

  1. Hi there, , it is definitely possible to contend with both of these conditions and I am confident if other members in our community share this experience they will chime in. I also wanted to add a link to our sister site,, where you can connect with others who may have this experience. All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

    1. Hi, sorry you are having to go through so much. I too deal with RA and COPD among a couple other things, it is no fun at all.

      Yes, RA does affect my COPD and reverse my COPD affects my RA. When either one flares up, you (your) body is under stress, causing blood pressure and/ or heart rate to rise, thus causing your heart to need more oxygenated blood, needing more oxygen then causes the breathing to enhance so to speak. Please keep in mind that RA not only effects our joints, but soft tissues, such as tendons, muscles, ligaments and yes our organs, including inflammation in the lungs.

      Its a great idea to chat with your doctor about the 2 issues, maybe even try to get your Rheumatologist and Pulmonary Docs to work together and find a plan that will help with both. The trick is to get both under as much control as possible.

      I so wish you much luck with all this, for handling more then one chronic illness is a tough job.

      Best to you!

      1. Hi again, dltld (Doris), and thanks so much for lending your own support and encouragement here. As you know, we also value you sharing your own personal experience managing this disease (COPD0, with the community. You have always been candid here in our online community and we appreciate it.
        Warm regards,

        Leon (site moderator

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