Managing Flare UpsIf I feel a flare up starting, I sit down, hold a fan to blow in my face and take a nerve pill. Works for me and slowly (about 20...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
^ 6 valves I got 6 zephyr valves installed in my upper left lung a week ago and so far I am way worse than before the procedure. I was wondering if anyone...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Belly Bloat and COPDDo you suffer from belly bloat with your COPD? How do you manage? What tips can you offer others?...Reactions0reactionsComments82 repliesSide EffectsTips & Advice
Chest discomfort Just getting over flares up. Still on steroids. Also new diagnosis of anemia. Awaiting call to get iron infusion. Having chest discomfort. Anyone experiencing this...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesDiagnosis
Portable oxygen generatorI’m wondering if anyone knows what is the quietest portable oxygen generator that provides continuous flow at 2L. The home medical store has provided Oxlife Independence concentrator, but it seems...Reactions0reactionsComments13 replies
Inogen in the restroomInogen in the restroom. I have the Inogen G5 which I carry into restaurants and other places and if I need to use the restroom, I use a "Carabiner Gear...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesTravelTips & Advice
FeaturedZephyr Valve TreatmentThis is a new treatment for people with COPD that has brought amazing hope to an otherwise hopeless, suffocating end for it's sufferers. I am in the process of being...Reactions0reactionsComments160 repliesTreatment
Why am I not feeling the benefit when I breathe in oxygen from my concentrator and portable concentrator.?Breathing Diagnosis Coping...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesBreathing
Newly diagnosed and scaredHello! I recently had to go to the emergency room due to the fact that I had trouble breathing. They did blood work and a chest X-ray and said I...Reactions0reactionsComments29 replies
New treatments for COPDHas anyone tried Dupixint for copd ? FDA is expected to approve it Sept. 27th and I am excited about it hoping for good results....Reactions0reactionsComments40 repliesTreatment