Pneumonia Yes it was so WORTH IT!just got out of the hospital after a small two day stay with pneumonia and I feel it was worth having it again. Finally on Jan 18th our little family...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesCopingFriends & FamilyTravel
OXYGEN FRUSTRATIONThe most frustrating thing about oxygen is the fact that it's been around for 40 years- with no major improvements! It's antiquated, cumbersome and makes COPD patients tied to it...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesBreathingCopingTreatment
Learning curve Ok, been diagnosed with COPD and Sleep Apnea for a few years now, but no matter what is taught, read, learnt or experienced in hospitals, doctors, forums like this one...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesCoping
Inhaler Nasal stick, to help you breathe.Hi there everyone, Would anyone of you say if Inhaler Vicks Nasal stick is safe to use to help you breathe better and get rid of that blocked nose that...Reactions0reactionsComments27 repliesAwarenessBreathingCoping
Help for wifeMy wife has copd,the help she gets from her doctor is nil,she has an inhaler and that is all .They have not given her any advice how to cope she...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesCoping
When you think stage 4 copd is too much to handle.......I was diagnosed with copd age 48 and placed on oxygen within a week. I kept busy and moreless distracted raising our three children. Kids grew up, married, had children...Reactions0reactionsComments17 repliesCoping
My nose canula falls out of my nosIf I forget to put on my biPAP at night, the canula falls out of my nose; I wake up 4-5 hours later with an oxygen saturation of aroind 60...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesDepressionBreathingCoping
COPD and GuiltDo you struggle with feelings of guilt related to your COPD? Join the conversation below or share some support for someone who may need it....Reactions0reactionsComments32 repliesCoping
Cold Weather and O2 useThis is my first autumn and winter with having full time O2. I have noticed already that my hose gets stiff in temperatures below 50 degrees. Is there a way...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesTips & AdviceCoping
FeaturedPets of COPD.netHave your pets helped you cope during your experience with COPD? Show them some love by sharing their pictures here in this forum! ...Reactions0reactionsComments73 repliesCoping