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Exasperation, ER and Hospital, Memory loss, What A Week!

Well it started on Sunday and to keep the story shorter it ended Thursday.
The pollen came in faster then I thought it would to "HIGH" level. Had all the additional Spring meds I will need, just hadn't started taking them, not realizing how the pollen went to crazy high overnight from barely starting and registering on the count scale I watch. Anyway, in I ended up with heavy mucus, heavy chest, hard to breath but O2 in normal range for I was breathing harder and faster of course to keep it up. There is a long strange story behind all this at the ER, but the just was test all concluded exasperation with mucus build up in the lungs. During the ER visit my anxiety hit hard physically, body shook, the staff tried numerous times to get an EKG but body was not having it. Xanax was given and eventually things settled down and the test was ran, along with other test. Next thing I know it waking up in a hospital room. Ended spending 2 days and nights hanging out there at Camp Hospital, meds and more meds, bed ridden for I was a "fall risk" they deemed and bed side commode, yuk, but hey gotta do what ya gotta do. Many things happened between the Sunday 6pm to Monday 7 am that I have NO recall on at all. Not even agreeing to meds taken, CPAP being used nothing. Other things took place while there, strange odd stuff with test and appt changes, that would be a book to tell you about. Anyway, the Memory Loss was my worst worry, this was not the first time I have lost hours of time. Yesterday, I just kept playing through when it has happened and what was the same for each time. Anxiety! Now looking up the Xanax and my normal anxiety med (another member of the xanax team, I found out that it can cause Short Term Memory Loss... I have using this stuff for years, off and on with doctors care of course, but NEVER until these last couple months have I ever experienced Memory Loss with it. This is not a nice feeling, but when my anxiety gets to the point of "no return" I do not have a choice but to take a medication. As of today started informing the family to be aware, what has happened, they will now be vigilant with me, remind me to inform doctors that I can hold a conversation, but choices and such but will have more then likely no recall on any of those events once the medication has taken effect. Scary, but now time to learn how to deal with along with everything else. At least I kept this story short, but some many strange things left out..... The staff from cleaning crew to the Doctors were all amazing with me, made me a comfortable as possible and hoping never have to do it again, but if so, that crew of people were AMAZING and would hope I would get them all again if needed. Keep in mind, side effects can change on meds overtime and pollen shows up when Mother Nature says it's time, not when you are thinking it should LOL have a good one everyone, stay healthy!

  1. Hi dltld, flipping herk you have been through the mill, I am hoping you start to feel better as time goes on.I like the way how you have written about how medication,s can affect you with side affect,s, Yes a bit worrying about the memory loss with this anxiety med, it is good you pointed this out. Good post dltld as always, You Take Care and God Bless and Hugs to you, keep us up dated please how you get on. Hugs again ,X

    1. Thank you. Hugs to you and yours, give extra to the little one for me please!

    2. I will dltld,X

  2. dltld,
    Wow! Glad you survived that ordeal even if you don't remember much. When I was hospitalized 2 years ago with pneumonia and bleeding lungs, I do not remember anything for the entire week. It is a weird feeling to lose memory and find out it is days later without your knowledge. It is pollen time here in Central Texas. I am ready for it I suppose. I just got over a flare up last week, so I do not want another. Oak pollen will be typically around 25,000, which is a total no-no for COPD sufferers.
    Is there a different medication that could do the same as Xanax for you without memory loss? Might be something to look into. I hope you are feeling better and getting over this flare up. Take care Doris. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless!

    1. Pollen here in middle Georgia is getting horrible already, all trees, grasses are starting and ragweed. Allergic to it all, so take the meds, try to avoid what I can, but having test and then 4 doctor appts in the next 10 days, guess the avoidance is not going to be to easy. What to do 😀 As for med change, not sure if there is something else that does not fall in to the same group as xanax, but will be checking with the docs when I see them. Thank goodness I usually don't need them to often, but this last year has been "pretty active" healthwise per say. Hey still staying busy though, sewing, crocheting and taking care of the plants and the dog.. At least I am tired by the end of the day. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers, they are always welcomed.

  3. What a scary experience, ! I am glad you pulled through and that you had such a great team looking after you. I suffered amnesia from an accident when I was a kid. I spent four days in the UCI, but I remember only one day. It is strange, indeed to lose that time! I wish you could enjoy the spring weather rather than having to dread it. Hopefully, your doctors will come up with a treatment plan that keeps you out of the hospital and off Xanax as much as possible. Let us know how those tests go, if you don't mind. Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Doris, we said you've had enough for one year, didn't we? My goodness, you have been through it. The pollen did start to tiptoe back a few weeks sorry it caught you unaware, I know how careful you are.

      The important thing is that you are now home and on the mend. It's amazing what the body can do when the brain gets flooded with anxiety. I have deep empathy for you in experiencing that. I will wait to hear what the verdict is on why you had memory loss, but it sounds like you are doing all the right things in making your team and family aware that it could happen. And thankfully, you were in good hands.

      So glad you continue to share all of your ups and downs with us. We are lucky to have you!! Big hugs. -Melissa, copd team

      1. Hi again, Doris - thank you for sharing this most recent update here with the community. The cancer still being in remission is indeed grand news! Add to that the right lung is starting to open up and hopefully, aerate better - well - that, too is news to be grateful for!
        A 3-month check up is always an improvement over monthly or even 6-week revisits. That is how I felt watching my follow-up dates broaden in time. I hope you feel the same!
        I am pleased to be reading about your improvements over time. That's what we all hope for - more time and better health.
        Keep up the good work, Doris!
        Leon L (author/moderator)

      2. Thank you, it is exciting, now get this darn Exasperation and allergies under control, life will be golden again.
        Hope you and yours is doing well. Doris

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