Hi All, my mother (73) was diagnosed many years ago with COPD and it had been completely manageable however, 3 years ago my mum contracted COVID whilst in hospital which led to Pneumonia and other complications. Once she had recovered from that her breathing never really improved and the damage had been done to her lungs. The new normal is severe COPD with long term oxygen therapy and other drugs. She is also bed bound due to a compressed nerve in her back and arthritis. I was told mid last year her level was severe but not sure if it has progressed to end stage or not.....feel a bit like we are winging it and don't really get told much about this aspect of it.
She has careers twice a day but I am also her primary career. Generally she copes very well with it but lately it does seem to be getting her down mentally, she is struggling more and seems more tired. She is also worried about her blood pressure/heart rate as it goes so high when she moves (getting washed/changed/toilet etc) and takes a while to settle back down.
I've contacted the doctor but wondered if anyone had any tips ideas I can use to help her cope mentally and also with calming down/recovering quicker after moving?
Thank you!