FeaturedActive 4 days agoCOPD LearningsWhat is something YOU didn't know about COPD that you have since learned?...Reactions0reactionsComments126 repliesAwarenessCoping
FeaturedCOPD Frustrations!What is the most frustrating part about living with COPD?...Reactions0reactionsComments437 repliesAwarenessCoping
Active todayUnseen Aspects of COPDWhat is something others might not recognize or see about COPD but you want them to know?...Reactions0reactionsComments223 repliesAwarenessCoping
Active todayBreathing Why is it that you can go for months with difficulty breathing and then the problem stops which I am thankful, but why for so long???...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesBreathing
Active todaySleepingLast two weeks been having trouble staying asleep,is this going to be my new normal?...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Active todayWhy do I have an issue with a runny nose?I use nasal sprays but nothing helps. I have to remove the tube all the time. The doctor gave me meds to clear my sinus but this hasn't worked and...Reactions0reactionsComments19 replies
Active yesterdayWhat are your Hobbies?I wanted to start a thread about everyone's hobbies. I know a lot of us spend a lot of time indoors and having something fun to do and keep one's...Reactions0reactionsComments95 repliesCopingMental Health
Active yesterdayHaving an "Invisible" Condition... Like COPDWhat "invisible" part of COPD do you wish other people could see?...Reactions0reactionsComments49 replies
Active yesterdayHow to breathe when there is an Elephant sitting on your chest?My wife said I should try to learn the way she was taught in yoga classes. Take a deep breath, hold it for a count of five, then let it...Reactions0reactionsComments13 repliesFlares
Active yesterdayWhat is your flare-up action plan?What do you do when you have a COPD flare-up or exacerbation? Let's share our tips and advice on how to get through those scary times....Reactions0reactionsComments44 repliesTips & Advice
Active 4 days agoRed Light Therapy and COPDHas anyone tried red light therapy for their lungs, or even heard of it? I've begun a one month trial of daily 10 minute treatments. I'll do a pulmonary function...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesHealthcare TeamResearch & Clinical TrialsTreatment