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Morning - I have just been diagnosed with Moderate COPD after a Spirometer test and to be honest was shocked. I've been very fit all my life, played rugby, professional cricket and ran marathons but lately been struggling a bit with wheezing and breathlessness. I am a non smoker and just have no idea how I've got this

  1. Hi there boasey100, I have mentioned this before on site, they go on and on about smoking that causes this disease and yet people like yourself who have never smoked and taken care of themselves end up with this.They say it could be genetic.I don’t know how you have ended up with this I wish they could be an answer to your post. When they say life is not fair, you my friend life has definitely not be fair to you. You shouldn’t have ended up with Copd. Now it is moving forward and there are a lot they can do nowadays, keep being fit and moving it isn’t a life sentence and have many, many more years of living to do. Take Care,X

    1. Thanks for the reply, I've really noticed it the last few weeks. Was playing football with my 9 year old girl Tuesday and had to stop.

      1. , thank you for sharing so openly with us. I hear how shocked and overwhelmed you felt by your diagnosis. As mentioned, while smoking is the most discussed cause of COPD, there are many other possible causes including genetic COPD (aka Alpha-1). I thought these articles might be of interest to you:

        I'm glad you are continuing to stay as active as you can, and pausing when it gets to be too much. Exercise can make a difference for keeping the lungs strong! It is a delicate balance between staying active and not pushing so hard you wind up over-taxing your lungs and creating a flare. It can take time, but you will find the appropriate balance point for yourself. We have many articles and forum discussions about the benefits of exercise with COPD that you might like to peruse:

        How are you feeling today? Please know we are here to listen whenever you need support or have questions. We are glad to have you here! Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson ( team)

        1. Many thanks for all the support, Friday was tough when I found out, but having listened to others I will stay positive and move on

          1. Hi , and welcome! I see you are a new member here having joined today, much earlier this morning. We are glad to see you already engaging with the community through these, your first postings.
            I also noticed my good colleagues, and , have already provided support as well as a few pertinent articles for you to review at your leisure.
            I think you will find that maintaining a positive attitude can go a long way towards managing this disease (COPD). If there is anything we can do to assist you, please let me or any other moderator / team member know. You are always welcome here!

            All the best,
            Leon (site moderator

          2. Hugs. I'm glad you're here! Sometimes, trying to do a lot of research online can be scary and overwhelming. It's so important to find good sources, and this community is full of people who really understand what you're going through. You're not alone.

            As hard as it is, try to take it one day at a time. We have members that have lived with COPD for decades and are still here supporting one another. You mentioned you're active and fit, that's a huge asset! Exercise is one of the best things you can do to manage your COPD, so try to keep at it, along with a healthy diet and a good sleep routine. They really do help.

            Were you given medications (or oxygen) this week, or have you been on medication for a while? Don't be afraid to speak up to your doctor if you feel like your meds aren't helping enough, or if you're having other problems. It might take some trial and error to find the best medicines to help you.

            You are doing yourself a great favor by finding a community early in your diagnosis. We will be here to support you whenever you need us! -Melissa, team

        Please read our rules before posting.