tightness below ribsI frequently experience a tightness below my ribs, like an elastic band. It is sometimes so bad I find myself bending forward. It increases when I stand/walk. Anyone else have...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Sun Ancon Chi MachineI have been using this machine for two months and have had a noticeable breathing capacity improvement....Reactions0reactionsComments13 replies
Does anyone have a flat diaphragm?I recently had a chest x-ray because I've been really SOB during our vacation. The humidity has been extra bad since we're near a lake. The Urgent Care physician gave...Reactions0reactionsComments3 replies
Managing Stress with COPDA few community members have mentioned that managing COPD day-to-day can be stressful and often cause anxiety. Does anyone have any tips or strategies for handling stress?...Reactions0reactionsComments14 replies
Moderate (stage 2) COPD FollowHi, I'm sure this may have been asked before in many different ways. I am a 45 male former smoker. I've had a spirometry test and the lab test results...Reactions0reactionsComments6 replies
Whole-Body Vibration Traininghttps://journal.copdfoundation.org/jcopdf/id/1161/The-COPD-Pipeline-XXXV Has anyone looked into this, the machines, etc....Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Who is taking steroids as a treatment?I have stage 4 COPD. Every now and then I have a flare up which requires prednisone. I breathe so much better after taking prednisone. I have asked my pulmonary...Reactions0reactionsComments4 replies
What happens when you are exposed to cigarette smoke on a daily basis?What happens when you have emphysema and are exposed to cigarette smoke on a daily basis for about a month? Quit smoking 17 years ago and have done pretty good...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies