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Does anyone have advice for taking a trip out of the country?

  1. Hi Chouse - I love to travel! Anywhere, anytime. However, there's no question that when you have COPD or another chronic illness, you have to prepare well. Are you on oxygen? That makes a difference in how you plan. Either way make sure you have all your medications, plan on days to rest or at least do very little. Consider the time of year and weather, especially if you're sensitive to changing weather patterns.

    We had an article that I think had some great suggestions. Here's the link:

    Above all else - have a wonderful time!

    Lyn (site moderator)

    1. Hi chouse and thanks for your post. This is a pretty broad based question. Would you be able to clarify just what type of information you're looking for as far as traveling outside the country? What is specific to your situation that we can assist you with? Thanks, Leon (site moderator)

      1. I'm on O2 and I have a InogenOne g3. I do nebilizer and medicine, 2 inhalers, and 3 pills. Was think about a trip to cancun Mexico with girlfriends

      2. Hi again Chouse and thanks for responding to my inquiry. I'm hoping you were able to see Lyn's response to your initial post (below). She provided some excellent information AND a link to a very pertinent article. If you're flying, you should be able to check ahead with your air carrier to determine what provisions they have should you need to use your oxygen on the plane I would guess the portable battery operated Inogen will do fine. As well, your doctor will be able to advise if you can just use the nebulizer before and after the flight and stick to the inhalers while on the flight. When in Mexico, as long as their electric current is good for both the Inogen (recharging) and whatever power source you're using for the nebulizer, you should be covered. As Lyn has said, with a fair amount of preparation and keen planning, I would think you'll be able to make this trip with your girlfriends. Please do check back and let us know how you're doing. Warm regards, Leon (site moderator)

    2. Make sure you take a rescue kit with you in case you have a flare up (exacerbation)

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