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How can I explain COPD to my family?

  1. SusanHU, thank you for your question! Explaining COPD to family and friends can sometimes be a challenge, especially because with COPD so often you don't "look" sick. It can make it hard for friends and family to understand exactly what you are going through. Inviting family to spend time exploring this site, reading other literature about COPD, and coming to doctor appointments can all be good ways to help family learn more about what COPD is and isn't. Patience can be very important as well - for all of you! It may take your family awhile to understand and process that you may not be able to do certain things as easily as you once could, and that may take some time for you to adjust to as well! I hope this helps give you a few ideas! We are always here to listen and offer support when you, or your family members, need it. Best, Allyson (site moderator)

    1. Family and friends that don't have COPD don't understand.

      1. It was a bit of a shock to me at first that I had emphysema as opposed to asthma as asthma runs in our family on my dad's side through my grandmother. It was a surprise to my mother as well as she has chronic bronchidus and thought that it might be the same or asthma.

        I worked in various types of environments in security from dusty, pungent smells, cold, warm, buildings with asbestos etc. Just like a kettle it just came to a boil after all these years.

        My dad's side of the family they mainly all go death as opposed to loosing their lungs and breathing. There are some asthmatics in the family; however, it is mainly deathless that is the ruler in any major body function loss in our family.

        My mother caught her bronchidus by my grandfather and grandmother smoking like a chimney and second hand smoke.

        Now I am on a life style change.

        1. Anderew347 - it sounds like you and your family have had your share of lung conditions and respiratory problems. You'd be surprised how much environment can contribute to COPD; as it appears you've found out.

          Good for you that you've decided to make some lifestyle changes! I'm so happy you found this community becuase I'm sure you'll get plenty of great recommendations from others who have had to make changes. We all can use all the help we can get!

          Keep us posted on your progress.

          Lyn (moderator)

      2. I don't really have many friends, but it would be very awkward to have a coughing or breathing spell with them. I wouldn't go out again with anyone

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