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To prevent bacterial infection from reoccurring, how often should I change my canula for a new one?

  1. Hi . The general recommendation is every 2 to 4 weeks. Here is a wonderful article from one of our health leaders about caring for your equipment: I hope it helps. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. I change my canal at least once a week. Sometimes more if my allergies are acting up or I physically vomit. I have found for me when my canal starts to get clogged in effects my breathing. Even nebulizer treatments can plug them. I also wash my hoses for my bi pap machine one a week though on realty I always have 2 and swap them out. I get frustrated with the fact I can catch a bud quickly. Today I am heading off to see my pcp for once again a bacterial infection.

      1. Hi all I do have a bacterial infection. I am glad I did not wait thinking it is just a cold. On antibiotics for the next 10 days. I love my PCP. His office has always super supportive. I was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease that effects your lungs. My severe COPD is par for the course, it turns out one of my Aunts had it she has pass away.
        What frustrated me is I contacted my pulmonary doctors office to be told we can fit you in the middle of January, yes I was what? I felt like I was slapped in the face considering the doctor told me not to wait call into the office.I explained this to the woman and she referred me to go to the ER or pcp. I was ok. What else to say, for me getting upset does not to any good especially for me,.I have learned and still working on me, when I get upset it a snowball, upset, anger, breathing issues. Panic attack breathing worse, loss control of bodily functions. This time I did not go that route.. Christmas is a week away I need and want to be home this year. Have a safe and happy Christmas all and a better year to come

        1. hl. It after Valentines day. Haha I have not found the gifts I put up. maybe someday. I am having a recheck next week with my pulmonary doctor. I pray all had a good new year. I am going to get a portable oxygen machine approval thus time. My oldest daughter will be graduating college in May I really want to be there. That would make it easier. Only time we tell. Life always aroller coaster. Up downs and sharp turns. All and all things always work out. Many Blessings all.

        2. Hi, Stella! Good to hear from you. 😀 Sorry about the presents, ha! That's funny. I'm sure you will have a good laugh about it whenever they do turn up.

          Wonderful to hear you are going to get an oxygen machine! That should open up some new opportunities for you. Make sure you talk to your doctor about your goal of attending the graduation and how many hours you think it will be, so that they can get you the right equipment that fits your oxygen needs.

          May is coming really soon! I will cross my fingers that you get to be there like you plan. Keep us posted. Hugs. -Melissa, team member

      2. I have been sticking to changing the canula on calendar days 5,15,25 and the supply hose the 15th of every month. The supply hose is a 25 foot hose that lets me move around a little. So, on the 15th the hose, canula, and the little plastic connector all go in the trash.

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