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Copd and Covid -how to manage anxiety

Hi everybody !
I struggle with anxiety going into indoor public spaces especially . Have not gone into a restaurant for 3 years . I am stage 3 copd and struggle to breathe. My lung specialist advised me to quarantine due to covid . I wear an n 95 when I need to go indoors and social distance but I still feel very anxious indoors . Does anybody have any coping strategies for this anxiety and fear of dying if I get covid ?
Would so appreciate knowing how others cope 😊

  1. For sure ! What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger as the song goes! Hugs!

    1. so true ! I'm finding it really hard to quit cigs I know they are really bad for me is this government has a packet of cigarettes close to $60 total rip off hey ,gnite.

  2. that’s a loaded question! Seems simple, but isn’t. My response regarding my life only, not telling anyone else what to do. For me your question is more philosophical than medical.

    Quarantine equals solitary confinement. I’m not doing it. Telling you to quarantine is the safe easy answer for the doctor. I’ve never had a doctor tell me to go out and have fun and enjoy life. I’m not defined by a disease. I’m living my life to the fullest extent. For me, the best COPD medicine is LAUGHTER! I go out every day and spend a lot of time with my friends.

    Life is inherently risky. Most accidental deaths and broken bones occur at home! People fall down stairs, get electrocuted, trip on a rug, etc. There are no guarantees in life. Decide what you want out of life and make it happen!

    1. Thanks everyone ,I am so glad I found this site ,at least i can listen to other people I do t know what happened maybe had something to do with growing up in the 70s ,but life has been great just goes too fast ,most people I grew up with are no longer with us ,due to fast cars ,bikes pandamics wars ECT I'm really lucky to have reached 70 most of my friends did not!really didn't need to get COPD it's horrible I miss sleeping and find it really hard to shower anyway it's midnight here in Australia think will try to sleep !take care and thankyou

    2. Hi again, Davoe, and thanks for adding to this conversation. We appreciate you weighing in with your own perspective on this disease (COPD), aging, your friends and lifestyles! We hear you! And, you are certainly in the right place! Here we have an entire community which understands how you feel and knows what you are going through.
      It's so cool to have you here as a member - all the way from Australia!!
      If there is anything we can do to assist you, please let me or any other moderator / team member know. You are always welcome here in our online community.
      All the best,
      Leon (site moderator

  3. Well February must be the month for this type of feelings! I am in final stage 4. Getting out and about is scary, it's okay to feel this way, but yet it can get out of control pretty fast. For me personally, I take a anti-depressant that helps, not perfect. When I truly to fight to get out of mine own head my doctor gave me a little rescue prescription of lorazexpam just a low dose. It is a med that is controlled, so my doc started with a small amount and had me check in with him to see how I was doing of course. Then he found I was not "abusing" the med and gives me 30 at a time, which I have been know to have 20 left after 6 months. They take about 45 minutes to take effect and it just takes that crazy edge off. Just a thought for you. I stay safe like you, wearing a mask, using hand sanitizer and such, but I go out and about during none peak busy hours for the establishments I need or want to go. Weekends are a NO GO unless it's to a family or friends home with just me and mine visiting, no crowds. My new thoughts is that I would rather live then to exist. Staying at home all the time would be just existing. Life is to short and with only being 60 yrs old and in this boat of COPD and other stuff. Life is good! Yes I know kiss and hug my grandbabies and my daughters, the son in-laws, well they are good with just a nod LOL.... Hope you seek help by a doctor if needed and find a good answer for yourself. I so understand where you are and what you are feeling, it sucks! Keep in mind there is a light at the end of the tunnel, just finding the right tunnel for yourself is the trick.

    1. I'm COPD 70yr old in Australia we got washed out by floods last year ,still waiting for mould repairs to get fixed in house ,tried staying in house but the mould was just too much ,am currently in a sleazy motel room lucky to be 1 star! Sure ain't 5 I had a fall last week off chair in the room ended up in hospital bruised ribs plus must of made my breathing worse as my meds were changed ,I'm now on abreather called trimbow 100/6/10 IV noticed my feet seem to be more swollen then usual don't know if from new med trimbow I feel ok ,dr told me to quit the cigs ,IV smoked all my life and kinda enjoy it I was down to 4 a day but since my kid sister died last mth from hepatitis C plus covid smoking is about my only thing I enjoy especially after the flood also lost my good ol car in flood ,has anyone heard of puffy feet from trimbow or cortasteroid s ,I m also very worried about catching covid ,IV lost most friends now I'm 70 (bday last week)thru motorbikes pandamics drugs virus ECT ,take care everyone .

    2. First of all Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I am so hoping to make it to 70 (10yrs to go).

      As for your feet and legs swelling more then normal, you might want to contact your Medical Care team about that and get them up above heart level if possible, that's what I was told to do if swelling occurs anyway. Many reasons from the new meds to ???? could be the culprit, best to check with those that knows best.

      So sorry for the lost of your sister, especially right after the flooding. It's been a tough year by the sounds of it for you. The place you are living right is at least a roof over your head and protection from the elements, right! A rough year 2 yrs ago for myself, many family passed (non covid) and my health took a huge jump to the negative, still trying to deal with it, it's getting easier though. My heart goes out to you, hoping things will get better for you in time, a very short period of time.

      Was many people displaced by the flooding? Sorry for my ignorance on what is happening there in Australia, I do not watch tons of news for it depresses me truth be told.

      Keep us informed of how you are doing please. Hugs to you!

  4. IV just spent a week in hospital from a fall bruised ribs COPD complications had meds changed to trimbow puffer cortasteroid,now my feet are puffed up big time hope it's not my heart think maybe it's the trimbow ,I'm really worried about covid my lungs are stuffed ,cheers plus I can't stop smoking ,☹️

    1. awe I’m sooooo sorry for your sister passing . My heart breaks to read your comments . So much to cope with all at once . I truly hope you start to feel better soon ! When we are so knocked down there is only one way to go - up 😊

    2. hi there again . Just checking in to see how you are doing ? Are your ribs healing ? Did the doctor advise on the feet swelling issue ? Please keep us updated when you have a chance .

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