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I see people mention getting their steps in for the day. Is it number of steps or minutes. How are the steps calculated?

  1. ,
    Walking is good exercise and easy to do, so a lot of people with COPD use walking as their preferred method of exercise. Steps are counted exactly as it sounds. Each step is one step. Many people use 10,000 steps a day as their benchmark to attain. There is actually no scientific reason or significance to the number 10,000 for number of steps. Most people I know who count steps use their FitBits to count them. I do not do the step counting thing, I exercise daily using light dumbbells and weightlifting exercises for my daily workout. Whatever exercise works for each person is individual to them. Do whatever works for you. Exercise is as important for COPD sufferers as it is for everyone. Take care and God Bless.

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