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On 10 mg of prednisone and not getting better

I had an exacerbation after riding my electric bike easy for 20 minutes. I'm on Prednisone 10mg for 5 days and have not improved . I'm supposed to cut back to 5 tomorrow. Than 5 every other day. I was out of breath taking a shower today. It was a little worse than the last one(2 days ago haha). Should I have more patience ? Am I suppose to rest or be somewhat active ? I seem to be going down hill fast.

  1. Hi , everyone is different when it comes to recovering from an exacerbation. We aren't able to offer any medical advice but I would suggest that if you aren't feeling better and if you feel like it's taking too long to see an improvement, check in with your doctor! This article might be helpful too: Best, Sam S. (COPD team).

    1. I am so sorry to hear that you are having this trouble. Are you feeling better now on the higher dose of steroid? With my asthma, I have had this happen to me before, where I was having trouble breathing and the lower dose of steroids just didn't quite cut it -- so a higher dose was needed. For me, 40 mg works well. I usually take it 3-5 days and it "usually" works like a charm. So, hopefully it works for you too. I say "usually" because sometimes I have to stay on it longer to get over my flare-ups. So, if you aren't feeling better after 3 days, don't hesitate to contact your doctor once again. Yes, it can be frustrating I know. I'm not your doctor, so I can't really give you advice whether or not to exercise while you are feeling this way. But, when I'm on steroids, I usually try to take it easy. And once I start feeling better, I try to get back to my workouts -- although I gradually phase it back in. I do hope you find this brief reply helpful. John. community moderator.

    2. Hey Sal, just checking in since it's been about a week. How are you doing? Are you finally seeing some progress with the steroids? I hope so. In general, my philosophy is to listen to your body -- if I were still recovering from a severe exacerbation, I would prioritize rest until I felt a little stronger. It's tricky for you with exercise causing exacerbations. Maybe a different kind of exercise besides the bike would be a better fit, like an easy walk, some chair exercises, or strength training. But I'm just speculating. Thinking of you! -Melissa, team member

  2. As I continue down this odd path of COPD, I find myself learning more nearly every day, as I am sure you all are as well. It is a constant state of comparison, distant past, past, and present that allows us to maybe prepare for what the future holds. But it is no crystal ball. I find no two exacerbations or problems are ever truly the same, so I can only prepare with a general response that has served me well in the past. Best wishes to you, we are all in this bat together. And remember, when someone is rocking it, do not be hasty to judge. They may actually be the only ones bailing the water out.

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