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How to cope

I was not aware that I had COPD although I had been very short of breath I put in down to heart problems. However after taking part in some very vigorous Aqua Aerobics I went to the changing room and couldn’t stop coughing while doing this I noticed a small amount of blood, so I took myself to the A&E where they took oxygen readings. I was sent for a CT scan and that’s where I learnt what was wrong. I am in the early stage of Emphasymia? I have it but can’t spell it🙂I did smoke when I was younger also I worked for 10 years in a tea factory which everyone was coated with tea dust. I have also farmed in the Orkney Islands and although the air was clean I worked with lots of different chemical’s. Now I have to learn how to help myself. My first step is to not over exhaust myself my second step is to get to a healthy weight. My third is to eat the right things. I find this quite difficult as I also have CKD so there are lots of things that I need to avoid. Any tips would be helpful.

  1. Hi. Thank you for your post here and for sharing with us what you are dealing with. Sorry to hear that you are having to deal with the effects of emphysema -- which is considered to be under the umbrella term COPD. Don't worry about not being able to spell emphysema. I have athma and have trouble spelling it too. I do look forward to tips other community members have to offer for you. In the meantime, we do have many articles on this topic. I will post one here ( and one here ( and here ( and here ( What do you think? John. community moderator.

    1. Hi again Sue! Dealing with COPD can be tricky at times, but from this forum, I have learned a lot, then there is the Doctor, Dietician & trial and error for the personal touch we each have.

      You mentioned eating. Not to much to this in a way, there is no special diet to follow except to eat as healthy as possible. The problem when it comes to COPD and food is the stomach gas/bloating and being over filled that causes additional breathing issues. Gas / Bloating, if a food or drink causes you to have a gassy, bloating or say in an hour or so mucus starts coming around. Try to recall what you ate or drank that did this and eliminate or reduce that item from your diet. Another piece of eating advice from this forum was to eat smaller meals with a snack in between but eat more then just those "3 meals a day", make it 4 or 5 small meals and a couple snacks too! This helps with that I "over ate" feeling, for that is usually what has happened. Try not to miss any meals they are so important.

      If you wish to try some exercising to help stay strong and maybe burn a couple more calories, there is some great "chair exercises" on you tube. They are wonderful, keeps you moving without causing you to much grief in the breathing department, doing them at your own pace too! There is a series of them on you tube called "sit to be fit" that I like a lot.

      Well hope this was at least a little helpful.
      Off to bed, meds are officially kicked in LOL

      1. dltld
        Many thanks for replies I don’t think my family are aware of what might be on the way for me. I am in very early stages but find I can’t always commit to meeting up ect;
        I’m almost 80 so maybe old age will get me first. I have other issues osteoporosis for one no one told me that having CKD would rob the calcium from my bones. I now live in England after spending the last 17 years in Spain, now after over 50 years married I have left him to his selfish ways, oh and his porn, his cross dressing was the final straw for me. Now a divorce is on the way, should all be complete by Christmas. Then free.
        But back to COPD I was well overweight (sign I was unhappy) but now after losing 6stone and still working on it, that’s why my diet is important to me. I can’t have choc, cake or cookies ect; in the house exercise too I was hoping I could use the local facilities for a swim but that’s where empasymia? Still can’t spell it. Showed it’s ugly head, Along with other diagnoses, heart problems too. However I don’t look too shabby on the outside, this is where people over estimate what I’m capable of. I am trying everything I can to hold back on advancing problems. Not at all down I don’t get depressed I continue to look forward, I have no dietitian, no one doctor, health services here are in a bit of a mess so hard to see a qualified doctor. And after SKIING ( spending the kids inheritance) in Spain I am reaching out for any ideas on improving on the life I’ve been dealt.

        1. It sounds like you already know what to do! Get rid of stresses( hubby LOL). Exercise, staying active. Have you checked in to seeing if there is a pool in the area that uses salt water? Much easier to deal with then chlorine of course. Have you thought about Yoga, cycling, these would might be something to check in to to keep stress off your bones and joints yet still reap all the benefits. Avoid all kinds of smoke, exhaust and smells, especially chemical, thus keeping your lungs healthy, including cleaning fluid, try a more organic approach, baking soda, steam etc... research will help with that and what is available to you in your area of the world. I am 61yrs old and a minor to major medical mess, we are all different and that is what makes the world work! Good luck to you, hope all goes smooth with that divorce and your life changes. Keep spending those kids inherents and just enjoy life!

      2. dltld
        Most encouraging, I have an indoor bike I try to do 1 hour a day it’s too hot outside for me.
        No salt water swimming I was hoping for ‘wild swimming’ but it seems not in this area. The pool here was running with a broken air conditioner when I first became aware of COPD. So I’ll not go back there. I am in the middle of England so no sea nearby.
        I had to contact my husband prior to applying for freedom, no objections (as long as it doesn’t cost him anything) did I mention he was ‘tight’. I have many hobbies and keep myself busy, and I am already quite happy with my new home and arrangements, I have two children, 6 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren unfortunately I don’t see them often. And probably won’t see my son and his two daughters again as they live in New Zealand, however I bought them up to do what ever they needed to do.
        My youngest daughter was killed in a road crash( that’s why I bought up my grandson) as was my mother all a long long time ago.
        Nice to hear from you, tell me more of yourself.
        Sue x

        1. Sue, you have been through so much, not just with your hubby. It sounds to me that you have a lot of courage and I admire you for that!

          I can't imagine how miserable and humid it must have been at the pool with no AC! Definitely not a good environment for people with respiratory problems. But I love that you have access to a bike. There are other members here that use an indoor bike to exercise, too! Be sure to listen to your body -- don't ever feel like you need to push yourself past your limit. At times you will have more stamina than others. Treat every day as unique and try to adapt as needed. Even a gentle walk around the house or some chair exercises while watching TV are worthwhile.

          You are taking good care of yourself, and that is truly the best thing you can do. I also hope you are surrounded by good people who support you in this season of changes ... if not, please know that we care and we will always listen. Be well! -Melissa, team member

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