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From climbing to dancing. I was always on my feet. I am not a smoker in fact I haven’t smoked in over 5 yrs. I got covid and things turned drastically. I’m in my early 30s and I cannot do anything. No more dancing with my kids, no more running with my daughter. I’m glued to my bed. They are still trying to find the right treatment. But I feel like I’m going down. Getting worst every day. I used to have 2-3 good days a week and now I am lucky if I get one good day. Exhausted. Airless. I feel mad… how can I be a mom from my bed??

  1. Hi , and welcome! I see you are a new member here, having joined just about a month ago. We are glad to see you already engaging with the community through this, your first post.
    I am sorry to hear what you are going through now and, I understand your concern. Over the past 3 years, the pandemic affected many folks similarly (to your experience), and differently, too. For some, based on symptoms and length of illness and symptoms, this has been referred to as post Covid-19 syndrome. I thought you might gain some additional insight from this article, on that very topic, from the Mayo Clinic: Do you think this may be what's happening in your case?
    Leon (site moderator

    1. it is about learning what helps and hurts us. I am glad the articles are helping. We are hear any time for you. Wishing you well. Sandy( moderator)

    2. Hi again, CM20e4cb, and thanks again for acknowledging the articles. It can take a while to adjust to this diagnosis and to learn how to manage the disease, that is true. Once you do, I think you will find how to go about your daily routines with the necessary adjustments. We have many members in our community who are living productive, satisfying lives with COPD.
      If there is anything we can do to assist you, as you learn more about your specific level of disease, please let me or any other moderator / team member know. You are always welcome here in our online community.
      Leon (site moderator

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