Vent about a time that you felt embarrassed, ashamed, or frustrated by other’s opinions or the stigma around COPD.
CommunityMembere551a3 Member
There is an obvious prejudice to having a lung disease. It is easy for people to point a finger and say, "Well, you smoked." It is as if they feel that we got what we deserved. Even those that smoked but didn't get caught, have said this to me! It is discrimination at its best. Barbara Moore (moderator)
Barbara Moore Moderator
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Member
I also have something to contribute. As said, you've made an excellent point. I thought this would be a good time to share this material (which focuses on this topic), since it underscores the very point you've shared with the community:
Please note that for each separate possible cause of COPD listed, an article is attached for a further explanation. I think it makes good reading for our membership. I hope you feel the same.
All the best,
Leon L (author/moderator)
CommunityMemberfe4779 Member
I'm still embarrassed when my friends ask me to go for rides or go out for awhile I have to say no because I'm afraid I won't be able to breath cuz I don't have my nebulizer with me. The puffer doesn't help me anymore.
Melissa.Arnold Community Admin
CommunityMember967b3a Member
Well I have had a lot of up's and downs and now I have found myself closer to the end. I have fought this for 20 years and I am getting tired and don't have the energy to fight anymore. So I am giving it to the Lord. Make it the best I can.
SamanthaSarube Community Admin
CommunityMember967b3a Member
Thank you.