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How long it will i should take a check up I should be on for COPD

  1. , thank you for reaching out! If I am understanding you correctly, you are wondering about the wait time to see your doctor (or perhaps a pulmonologist?) about your COPD diagnosis. Depending on the doctor's office, wait times for an initial appointment with a specialist are sometimes longer. Once you have established care with a pulmonologist, most in the community see them every 3 to 6 months. It comes down to what the doctor recommends based on your unique body! If you are struggling with your symptoms or if they change suddenly, always reach out to your doctors. If you cannot be seen quickly by your pulmonologist or primary doctor, do not hesitate to go to the ER or an urgent care clinic for treating what could be a flare up (also called an exacerbation!). I want to share a couple of articles about flare ups with you, in case that is a concern for you. 1) 2) 3) Does this answer your question? Please follow up and let us know! How are you feeling today? Know we are here to listen when you need support. Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson (team member)

    1. , was this doctor recommended to you from your primary doctor? If so, they should be able to provide you with contact information for them! Best, Sam S. (COPD team).

    2. Hi it’s Andrew how are you ? I’ve just written to Leon asking how to get my results from my lung Function Unit ‘’my GP insisted that my results arnt ready or have not came back September was my test’Im going nuts as every department I phone say the same thing IE go to my GP’please if you or anyone has a clue how to make me feel as ease and to stop worrying myself to tears ‘ many thanks TC

  2. Hi Sam s , Dr Shute was at the hospital when I was in trouble with my breathing’’I was x rayed and the results were my lungs are not in a good way I.e copd🥲I’ve resantly had a lung fuction test to determine what stage I’m at but I’m finding it very hard in locating the lady’’My GP hasn’t a clue either’’ so frustrating as you can imagine’’Maybe I should just be abit more patient for results’’But it’s been nearly 3 Months now 😓I sit and hope’’TC Sam Thank you for your time ❤️

    1. Hi Leon nice to meet you,,Thank you very much for the advice myself and wife are going back to where my test was performed’’Fingers crossed as I’m not sleeping and my appetite has neard zero’Thanks once again TC

    2. Hi again, Andrew - It's a pleasure to meet you too!! I am glad to hear you plan to reach out to find out more information. It is very wise (of you), to go together with your wife. I also find that when seeing doctors or having diagnostic tests performed, and even when having procedures, it's always best to have someone with me. Two minds are so much better than one! My wife generally will take notes and even ask questions I may not have thought of.
      I will wish you 'good luck!' and ask that you kindly check back and let us know how this all turns out for you!
      Warm regards,
      Leon L (author/moderator)

  3. Hi Leon’’It was nice to wake up and hear a voice letting me know that I’m not alone in all this’’I surely will let you know how we get on’’In the mean time Hope your well n good today’Best wishes Andrew 🙏🏼

    1. Hi again, Andrew - I think you will find that one is rarely, if ever, alone in our online community. It is what we are all about!
      Enjoy your day!
      Leon L (author/moderator)

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