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Why can they cure lung cancer but they cannot cure COPD?

  1. Hi Rex1 and thanks for the post - excellent question, too! It's one we are all very much concerned about. Even though, at the present time, there is no cure, there is research that is ongoing that seeks to develop one. I thought you might find it both interesting and informative to look over the published material we have here on, that focuses on research for COPD: I do hope you find it to be helpful. Wishing you well, Leon (site moderator)

    1. Hey ! In addition to Leon's very helpful response, I did want to clarify that there is currently no scientific consensus on a cure for lung cancer. An individual can reach something called NED - or "no evidence of disease" - but not be "cured." Here's an article outlining more: I do hope this helps! If you'd like more information on lung cancer, you can browse around our sister-community - Alesandra ( Team)

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