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why did this happen to me?

I am 80 years old and a Musician (Singer Guitar player) i was out gigging 3/4nights a week quite happily until Lock Down in 2022 so no gig's no rehearsals!! when after 2 years of not singing a note i found that i was having trouble getting my breath , and getting real bad headaches I went to see my GP and was given a Lung capacity test , witch i fail miserably . i was offered an inhaler after trying that for a few day's i found that i was getting severe dizziness so i have stopped using them and unfortunately i have started Smoking again me doing the biz

  1. You were still gigging until the lockdown? How awesome, . I wish you had been able to continue. You are not alone in your inability to quit smoking, but I hope you don't give up trying. It is a powerful addiction. It takes some people multiple tries using a huge variety of methods over several years to break free. Here is an article about quitting that might interest you: Have you asked your doctor about different inhaler options? Please know we are here for you whenever you need support or a place to vent. Warmly, Lori (Team Member)

    1. Hi LoriThank you for your suport. Will check out your links. I was supposed to have had an appointment on Friday just gone but it was cancelled because my COPD nurse was taken ill. The trouble with most of the inhalers that I have been given , is that the side effects have caused Dizenes .So I have stoped riding them..

      1. I hope your doctor can figure out something different that helps. Did the appointment get rescheduled or are you still waiting to hear? - Lori (Team Member)

    2. Hi Lori yes the Appointment did get rescheduled to this Thursday the 5th. We had a very hot and humid day on Sunday and Monday, and it really made me very Breathless . I don't know if that is to be exspected with COPD? The only thing that I could do, was to sit in front of a fan for long spell's at a time. Another thing to ask my Dr. Thank you for your enquirie.😎

      1. Hi . Heat can make a big difference in COPD symptoms. Here is an article that might interest you: Let us know how the appointment goes, if you don't mind. I hope the weather turns cooler and less humid for you soon with the upcoming change in seasons. We had a low of 40 degrees here in North Central PA last night. Though I am ready for cooler weather, I'm not quite ready for that! Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

    3. If it is primarily from your emergency inhaler, yeah I did too. Heart racing and all the good stuff. My pulmonologist changed me to Xopenex. It is a different type of albuterol and, although it takes a few extra seconds to kick in, the dizzy and heart racing in no longer an issue.

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