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what type of bed

I am currently. sleeping in a recliner, I cannot lie flat in a regular bed, pillows do not work very well, would like suggestions as to. get more comfortable

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    I use an adjustable wedge. You can put in as much elevation as you need (up to 8 inches, or down to 2 inches). I have settled on 4 inches of elevation. A good mattress helps out a lot also. We currently have a Saatva. I can say that I am not comfortable every single night, but I do sleep most night for 7-9 hours. You can also look into an adjustable bed that can lift your upper body to make you more comfortable. There are a lot of them out there. Of course, you are restricted to what you can afford. The cheapest way to go to start, would be with a wedge. I hope you find something that works for you. I like my Laz-E-Boy recliner but am not a fan of sleeping in it. Take care and God Bless.

    1. Hello, I have an adjustable twin bed that I got a couple of years ago when my RA got so bad. I love it because it has massage on it as well which I feel helps break up the mucus in my chest. There are a number if them out there. We got the cheapest version and are still happy with that. There are recliners out now that will fold all the way down now like a bed also with heat and massage options as well. I hope this helps! Best, Jackie (Moderator)

  2. Hi. You are definitely not alone in the struggle to sleep comfortably -- it's super common for many with COPD. The short answer is that it's going to take some experimenting to find what works best for your needs and preferences. But while we wait for others to chime in, I thought you might like to see some of the discussions we've had about this in the past. Here are a few that offer different opinions: (discussion in comments)

    Hope some of that is useful! If you tell us a little of what your current "setup" is like in the recliner, maybe we can brainstorm some alternatives, if you feel comfortable. All the best! -Melissa, team

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