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What do I do? Experiencing weight increase, breathing problems, and bloating!

I think this may be a big part of my problem. Let me tell what is going on for input please.

I had my second lumbar surgery in June of this year. I did fall, due to my issue that is unknown, on my butt a week after my surgery. Now the day of surgery I quit smoking. I have gained about 20 pounds, I bloat, and am having trouble exercising or doing much because I end up having a very difficult time breathing.

I also have had a triple bypass in August of 2021.

Is the article sent out today what is going on with me?

Thank you!

  1. I'm not sure exactly what article you're referring to, but bloating is something many in our community deal with! Here are a few articles on that:, You're not alone in the other things you are struggling with either! Have you have the chance to talk to your doctor about the symptoms you are dealing with? Have they had any advice for you? All the best, Sam S. (COPD team).

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