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What can I do to keep my Tubing from Twisting

I use the 50ft tubing for my concentrator,it’s enough to get me around my entire 2 story house. The only think is that it gets twisted in several places and causes the air flow to slow up. I’ve tried swivel connectors but still twisting and since my supplier sends me 6 lines every 90 days I’m usually struggling before the next shipment. Any suggestions?? Thanks in Advance

  1. Hi again, - how nice to see you re-engaging with the community at this time. I recall we had several conversations back in 2022 and we are always gratified to have community members (like you!), start conversations again.
    Actually, the topic you have raised has been a popular one with the community. Many fellow members have expressed similar concerns about keeping the oxygen supply tubing straight, untangled, and out of the way!
    We actually have some material published, right here on our site. which focuses on this issue. For your convenience, here is a link to one of them: Be sure to read all the comments associated with this article and you will see our community members who joined in and shared their experiences as well.
    Should you be interested in more (readings), here is another one in which the community members comments are also revealing:
    I do hope you find the information is helpful in a practical way.
    All the best,
    Leon (site moderator)

    1. I bought 2 of these cable wraps from Amazon to cover 50 feet of tubing for less than $30.00. Since it takes a little finesse and time to wrap the tubing I will be buying 2 more so I have a fresh one on hand. I used the 1/4 inch wrap. Have been using it for two months with no problem. It takes up a little more space than just a tube but worth it and easy to see so no one steps on it! I just pull it along. It hasn’t caught on carpet and goes around corners with no problem and does not kink. Sometimes I need to shake it to loosen up what looks like a knot but isn’t from coiling up the excess when I am just sitting around. . There is also a spiral wrap that I have not tried yet that may be easier to put on the tubing.
      Please note that these are called cable wraps if you are looking for them online. Good luck I hope this works for you as well as it does for me. OkCable wrapped and laying on floor.

      1. Hi Grandma, and thanks for sharing this tip with the community. It sounds like you have solved the issue of a twisting oxygen line for your particular circumstances. Since many of our community members experience similar issues, I feel the photo combined with the narrative will, no doubt, be of help to others here in the community.
        We appreciate your input on this very important topic.
        Have a great weekend!
        Leon L (author / moderator)

    2. great inquiry.......when you find out, let me know. it gets curly and twisted and i sometimes trip on it......

      1. ask your oxygen rep......they should be able to guide you how to fix it........its a part of their you are able to go up and down stairs, is a mystery to me stage an apartment.......walking from the sofa to bathroom and back, im breathless, grabbing my inhaler careful not to trip on the tubing using the stairs....would not be good.....i trip on mine and its one level and have fallen a few times as my foot got wrapped with the tubing and threw me for a loop, landing me on hard flooring.....go slow and easy!

        1. Hi again, Joan, and thank you for joining in this conversation. As it turns out, this is a very popular topic (as you can imagine), within our community. In fact, we have a wealth of experience within the community that might be of benefit to you.
          I thought you might gain some additional insight from this article which focuses on this very topic: . Please take note, there are 42 comments at the end of the article. In the comments, you will begin to see how some folks manage the tubing.
          Should you be interested in more material, please let us know and we will link you to other articles within the community, too. I do hope you find all this helpful in a practical way.
          Wishing you well,
          Leon L (author/moderator)

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