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It’s me again, the lady with the husband who has COPD. Let me tell you a little about him.
He used to be a big game hunter, worked 24/7 (except when he was hunting ) .
But this was 10 yrs before retiring and being diagnosed with COPD.
Since then he has practically stopped doing anything but sitting on couch , drinking beer. He was never a lazy person. But he has no hobbies and this has gone on. No form of exercise, he says he can’t. Period.
This is where I get so confused.
His lung dr closed one lung off, and required he start walking 10 minutes 3 x’s a week to equal 30 min a week and. Increase each week there after.
He has not done this.
I think he should have started this long ago and he would not be where he is today. I know he won’t get better but would exercise make him able to enjoy life ?
I got dr apt t
In half hr and I will hopefully get some answers.
Btw we have been married 20 yrs.
Sorry if I am rambling.
Have a good day !

  1. Hi vikki, and thanks for your post. I'm sorry that I missed the deadline (of 1/2 hour). But, I do have something to say and perhaps, when you get back from the doctor's appointment, this will be of some help for you.
    You may be aware that COPD affects everyone differently. However, for many folks with COPD, pulmonary rehabilitation has been a tremendous benefit for them. Since your husband's doctor has suggested he do some exercise (walking), for 10 minutes a day, three times a week, the physician must think this will help your husband get back on track.
    From my own professional perspective, this is the activity your husband should be doing. By starting out as the doctor recommended, and gradually increasing each week after starting, my guess is that he will start to feel better.
    Please do check back and let us know how the physician appointment went earlier today. Were you able to get the answers you were anticipating?
    Wishing you well,
    Leon (site moderator)

    1. no I did not get answers I wanted. I posted alittle about that. Dr says he is where he is. Did not tell him to exercise. if he cant he cant. I do not like that answer. She did put him on antidepressant. I hope that will help. She also suggested I see a counsleor.
      We do go see his pulmonary Dr on wed and he is the one who told him to start exercising to get his strength back. Maybe I just need to realize he is fine with being this way.

    2. Hi again, Vikki, and thanks for responding. I'm sorry you did not get the answers you were looking for from this physician. It is possible, once your husband is on the antidepressants, his attitude towards exercise might change. I do agree with you, I think the remark from this doctor ('if he can't, he can't), is not something one would want to hear. From my perspective - there is always hope and the ability to move forward!
      For him to have been so active (work and hunting, etc.), and now to be doing so much less - I think there is room for him to improve.

      I am optimistic that, once you see the pulmonary physician this coming Wednesday, the encouragement, support, and direction might also help your husband move towards some increased level of activity.
      I will wish you 'good luck!' and ask that you please keep us apprised of the progress you are able to make.
      Leon (site moderator

  2. Hi Vicki, it must be difficult for you to see your husband go through this. How did the appointment go? April - Team Member

    1. Thank you Leon! I have read almost all the articles you all have provided here. I have learned alot and am trying to get Dan to use this site also. I know I need to learn how to act with Dan differently, and its so hard for me to accept what it has become. I feel as tho my life is over too. This is wrong I know but I find myself resenting Dan for this. I am going to check on some groups and a counsleor to help.

      1. Hi again, Vikki - so glad to read your response here. I think you are approaching this and managing everything quite well. Keep trying, Vikki - you'll get there and hopefully, Dan will too!
        Please know you can count on the online community as well. We are all pulling for you!
        Warm regards,
        Leon (site moderator)

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