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tips to manage copd

I'm on 6 lpm and have become lazy. I'm always sleepy if I'm not on my pc I'm sleep in my lay back computer chair. It's frustrating to go anywhere with such a big tank and usually takes 2 tanks to go to the dr.s..which is hardly never, most of my visits are done on my pc.I have poor circulation in my legs/feet which means they're constantly swollen. Even with elevating them. I used to walk 15min. every night plus pedal my stationary bike 15min. occasionally I'd use the bans on my arms too. there was a bout where I stayed sick, one exasperation after another/asthma attacks . constantly on antibiotics. Just got back right (o2 levels 89-93%) need to get back to the exercising just lazy. Can't seem to shake it.any suggestions?

  1. Hi. It's understandable that you might feel frustrated or discouraged at times, but please remember that taking care of your health is not laziness—it's self-care. It's okay to feel sleepy and to need rest, especially when coping with the demands of COPD and oxygen therapy. It's also normal to experience fluctuations in your ability to exercise, particularly when you're dealing with illness or flare-ups. Be kind to yourself and give yourself permission to prioritize rest when needed. That being said, it's also important to find a balance that works for you. Incorporating gentle exercise into your routine, such as short walks or stationary biking, can be beneficial for both your physical and mental well-being. Start small and listen to your body—every little bit counts, and any effort you make towards staying active is a step in the right direction. Have you had a chance to talk this over with your doctor? John. community moderator.

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