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Tip to manage carbon dioxide retention

I retain carbon dioxide and have to monitor my oxygen intake to 1 to stay around 90 saturation. Most often I feel like I need more but am scared of going to the hospital again because the cd is too high. Is there anyway to get rid of the cd at home? Maybe pursed breathing, or some other method. Thanks for any advice.

  1. Hi . Has your doctor ever recommended a BiPAP machine to help you eliminate carbon dioxide at home? Here is an article about BiPAP machines that might interest you: Warm wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Thanks Lori, very informative article. I did ask him about going on the BIPap before I knew I had the retention but he said I didn’t need it. I am not to happy with him as my dr for different reasons but I will ask him again.

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