I suffer from extreme thin skin due to prednisone use I get nasty bruises just from bumping into a wall and skin tears that take months to heal. If anybody's got any suggestions for treatment besides armor let me know thank you.
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Member
Last Updated:
Hi DebbieCartwright and thanks for your post. You are certainly not alone as others in our community have commented on the bruising they experience too.
In view of your expressed concerns, I thought you might find it helpful to look over these articles on that very subject:
First, this one from one of our contributors on 'Steroids, Bruising and Bones': https://copd.net/living/steroids-bruising-bones/
Next, this one which covers 'steroid bruising':https://copd.net/answers/expert-answers-steroid-bruising/
And finally, this one on 'skin tears': https://copd.net/caregiver/what-is-a-skin-tear/.
I do hope this reading material will provide you with a bit more insight into COPD and bruising.
All the best,
Leon (site moderator)
breathlessinessex Member
Last Updated:
You would think the pharmacuetical company's would realise this also and stop using thin silver paper type metal to seal their medications (capulets and tablets) in.It cuts straight through my finger tips after I have been on steriods and can be sore and sting for weeks on end.
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Member
Last Updated:
Hi BreathlessinEssex - I'm sorry you're having this experience. I too would think the pharmaceutical companies would be more cognizant of their packaging issues. Perhaps you could take precautions and wear gloves when opening the seals - that might protect your skin.
All the best,
Leon (site moderator)
breathlessinessex Member
Last Updated:
Yes I have tried the gloves Leon,the trouble is you need to use your finger nail to flick open the seal on the spiriva so I need to take the glove off for that and then when taking the tablets I sometimes forget and then I feel the cut on my finger tips and its to late. Its an evil circle mate. Nevermind I have not had steriods now for a couple of months and my skin is hardening again.I do wear gloves most of the time in the summer because I do woodwork in my workshop out the back and wood dry's your skin badly and that makes my fingers crack open.I then have to use steriod cream to heal them. Like I said evil circle.