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I have stage 4 Emphysema
With no symptoms! I am needing a lung transplant
I was diagnosed in 2018 non symptomatic
I then had the Astra Zenica
And 3 days later suffered respiratory failure
I have been on oxygen 24/7 ever since
I am now needing a lung transplant
I am apparently stage 4 with no symptoms
No cough
No phlem
No tight chest
No infections but my lungs keep dying
No trouble breathing in and out
Just extreme breathlessness with ANY activity
Is there anyone else out there with this type of “Emphysema “?

  1. Having no symptoms is tough. I had no symptoms for a long time at the beginning of my journey, then it changed and now my symptoms all the time. I hope you get your transplant before your symptoms increase. Barbara Moore (moderator)

    1. Hi. You have been through so much! I hear how confusing and frightening it is to have a diagnosis but without the typical symptoms, and still struggling to breathe. Have you been having pulmonary function tests since your initial diagnosis in 2018? Have the results changed or stayed the same since that time?

      And if you haven't already, have you sought additional consultations or a second opinion to confirm your diagnosis?

      Ultimately, each person with COPD is unique and will have their own experiences and symptoms. That said, if this doesn't seem right or doesn't make sense to you, we absolutely support you continuing to ask questions and seek additional testing.

      Do you have anyone to help you with daily needs and activities? It can be so taxing on your body to manage on your own -- don't be afraid to ask your doctor or hospital social worker to connect you to a home care organization.

      We are here for you as you wait for the transplant -- please keep us posted and try to take things one day at a time. Thinking of you. -Melissa, copd team

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