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Side afects of Albuterol ?

I have cramps in my toes, hands and legs. Does anyone else have these
side affects from Albuterol ? I am doing the nebulizer 3 times a day and regular treatment with Breztre.

  1. Curiosity got the better of me. The following link is to the Cleveland Clinic. It has a lot more info than I was actually looking for, but it may be right up the alley you are walking down. Best wishes.

    1. Thank you for a reply. I had seen this but was wondering if anyone on here had actually experienced this.

      1. I have had leg, arm and other cramps. I have read one can have cramps from not drinking enough water. This worked for me. If I cramp I drink mow water.

        1. Hi . It's possible your cramping is caused by dehydration and that water or an electrolyte drink will help, but I would definitely tell your doctor about it just in case it's something even more serious. Please keep us posted. We'll be thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

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