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Severe Depression

I was diagnosed a little over a year ago with COPD and stage 4 emphysema. I take anti depressants and anti anxiety medication. Yet, I am so depressed I have stopped taking care of myself. I can barely make it through the day. I struggle to take care of my family. I don't know how to be sick. To accept that I am disabled now. I am a wreck.

  1. Hi , it sounds like you’re dealing with really overwhelming emotions right now. Contending with a new COPD diagnosis and all the changes it brings to your life is hard. Reaching out isn’t always easy. I’m glad you feel comfortable sharing your feelings here. We’re not professional counselors, but I’m happy to send you some resources/information if you like? -Sam S. (, team member).

    1. Your feelings are understandable dealing with a new diagnosis of COPD. Please know we're hear to listen and offer guidance in any way we can. I assume if you're on anti anxiety & anti depressant medications that you're seeing a physican to prescrible those. Have you told them how you're feeling? It can be very difficult to open up about those feelings, but it very important in order for you to get help.

      Sam mentioned sending some materials/resources that may help. She really means that, so please take her up on it. We want you to feel better!

      Warm Regards,
      Lyn (site moderator,

      1. Hi Tabitha, and thanks for your candor here with the community. This must be a very challenging time for you.
        I see my colleague, , has made an excellent suggestion about seeking help you may need through your prescribing physician. As well, my colleague, , has also made an overture to you which you may want to take advantage of.
        Just yesterday, I saw my own physician and expressed some serious concerns about my complex care and future. He offered someone for me to speak with and then, we wound up having our own conversation for 1/2 hour - that worked wonders for me!
        Do you think this might be of benefit for you, too?
        Leon (site moderator

        1. Hi. How are you doing today? Have you had time to read the suggestions made by my colleagues? I see they have made some very good recommendations. In the past, when I have been overwhelmed by my health, I have found it very helpful to talk to someone. Is this something you would consider? Just want you to know we are thinking of you and are hoping you are doing well. John. community moderator

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