Hi. Sorry to hear that you are experiencing cellulitis along with your COPD and heart failure. I can completely understand your frustration with with your doctors, especially considering you have tried three antibiotics already. Likewise, I can also empathize with your desire to avoid the hospital. Cellulitis, as far as I am aware, I think it is an infection caused by a bacteria. Edema doesn't directly cause it. But I'm told it may stretch your skin out in a way to makes it easier for bactera to enter your skin, thereby causing the infection. I could be wrong there, but that's what I think. If antibiotics you are taking at home are not helping, it's possible you may need IV antibiotics that can only I be given in the hospital setting. They can also manage any pain you are experiencing and offer supportive care. If all you need is IV antibiotics, I think you can get that on an outpatient basis at an infusion clinic. I support and understand your desire to be patient. Although, if you start to notice it getting worse before your next appointment, please don't hesitate to visit your local health clinic or ER, as they should be able to help you reverse the infection. Does this brief response help? How are you doing today? John. community moderator.