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Runny nose

Having a runny nose with COPD which is getting worse

  1. it's uncomfortable before I go to bed when I get up I don't like that I have to carry a handkerchief always

    1. Its getting worse

      1. Hi , and thanks for both of your comments here. Based on what you've shared here with the community, it sounds like you have a runny nose which, during the past 3 hours has gotten worse. Is there something you are doing at home to help alleviate the symptoms? Do you think this is more than a runny nose?
        What are your thoughts?
        Leon L (author/moderator)

    2. I thought it was happened with copd but how to treat it ?

      1. I am wondering what your doctor has to say about it. I find when my 02 is too high, my nose runs like a sieve. I always have tissues on hand, just in case. Barbara Moore (Moderator)

    3. Well l have to see him soon so will update then

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