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Why do I have an issue with a runny nose?

I use nasal sprays but nothing helps. I have to remove the tube all the time.

The doctor gave me meds to clear my sinus but this hasn't worked and it's going on for months. It doesn't happen all day most mornings and afternoons and it doesn't run when I and laying down.

  1. Me too, it starts shortly after I get up. It is constant for hours and tapers off later in the day.

    1. Hi Roscoe - that is a good question. While we cannot provide medical advice or diagnostics over the internet (for your own safety), your concern warrants a reply. Others in our community have expressed similar sentiments when it comes to runny noses. Is it possible that it could be something you're allergic to?
      Are you using supplemental oxygen at all? It could be because of the drying effects of the oxygen. Once we hear back from you, we may be able to provide additional information.
      All the best,
      Leon (site moderator)

      1. Thank you for the update. Glad to hear you are not needing oxygen. And I hear you about taking too many meds. Please keep us updated what you learn. John. community moderator.

      2. I meant to say I'm not on O2 YET. I know I will be at some point. Currently, I have a nagging cough that acts up only when I'm lying down. It's pretty much non productive too. Trying Robitussin with honey to see if that helps.

    2. I have the EXACT same problem, except it will start running when im not close to a tissue. And thats soooo 3mbarasing. I have a humidifier attached to my concentrator. Its running correctly. Any advice/suggestion would be so wonderful .

      1. Hi boni - sorry to hear you're having similar, if not the same issues. I would've thought the humidifier on your concentrator for the supplemental oxygen might've helped, but that may not be the problem. You might want to follow up with your physician - to make sure it's not something else.
        Please do check back and let us know how you're doing.
        All the best,
        Leon (site moderator)

    3. Hi Roscoe!
      I notice this more when I have a sudden burst of energy. After doing some cleaning or when I start to shop.
      And, like Boni, it happens when I'm not close to a tissue! I usually end up asking a counter assistant for a paper towel (they work better than tissue...) .
      But blowing my nose does seem to help clear up the problem.

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