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Rescue inhaler

How many times a day do you use your inhaler? On mine it says 4 times per day as needed. I use it more than that. Am I the only one?

  1. In my experience with inhaler use, the Primary Doctor and Pulmonologist were concerned with me using mine just on a daily basis let alone more then twice a day. What they ended up doing giving me new meds so the ER inhaler was / is still only being used periodically and once to twice a day when I do have to use it. I sure am glad they did for having to remember where I laid my ER inhaler last or make sure I have pockets in my clothes makes life a lot easier. May I suggest to contact your Doctor to see what they suggest? I was put on a maintenance inhaler that is taken once a day, examples Advair, Spiriva, Symbicort etc.. Yes still have my ER inhaler, but hardly ever use it.

    Sure hope you are able to find better relief!

    1. I believe you are talking about 'Rescue Inhalers'. They are used on a more discretionary basis and dosage is more up to the patient than doctors orders. If you were in serious trouble the doctor would likely exceed his orders as they can be taken many more times. Barbara Moore (Moderator) @

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