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Pulse Oximeters

Do finger pulse oximeters give accurate readings when you are walking . I heard the wrist oximeters didn't and weren't certified by govt. agencies.

  1. G'morning , and thanks for your post and question - it's a good one! Generally speaking, pulse oximeters give an accurate representation of one's oxygen saturation. Typically, these are the types of oximeters used in the hospital and the home care settings. Professionally and personally speaking, the finger tip oximeters are preferred over the
    wrist-style oximeters. I do believe the medical literature supports this view as well.
    All the best,
    Leon L (author / site moderator)

    1. Thank you

  2. Hi. And I will second what said above. We often use the finger pulse oximeters when walking patients, and they seem to work very well and tend to be accurate. I have no experience with the wrist ones, so I cannot testify to how well they work. The main thing to consider when purchasing a pulse oximeter (if that is what you are thinking about) is to make sure that it is FDA approved, as these are the ones that are tested for accuracy. I hope this helps. Wishing you all the best. John. community moderator.

    1. Thank you

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