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Portable Oxygen turned all the way up

My mom has her portable oxegyn turned all the way up to 6 (highest it goes) and she still can’t walk around without dropping into the 70s. Should that be happening with her oxegyn all the way up? Her doctor didn’t really tell her why this is all the sudden happening. She did have covid a month or so, but seemed to fare very well. Until recently. Now she can’t keep her levels up even with the oxygen turned up completely.
After she sits back down, she can lower the portable oxygen back down. Sometimes, she can take it off for a little bit if she’s sitting. She didn’t even need to wear it until a few weeks ago.

  1. everyone is different, and because we can't offer any specific medical advice over the internet, for your safety, I would definitely try talking with her doctor about it again. They are in the best position to discuss why this might be happening and any options your mom might have to feel better, sometimes we have to be strong with our physicians to make sure they are hear just how concerned we are. I will share a few articles though about oxygen levels and saturation and being short of breath that you might find helpful:,, All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

    1. thank you! Yesterday was a better day for her and she was able to walk around the house without the supplemental oxygen. She has told her doctor about this, and they kinda shrugged it off and said it’s just from having covid a month or so ago. I’m hoping it gets better for her because she can’t even go into a store right now because her portable oxegyn can’t keep up with the demand 🙁 she will have it all the way up and still can’t breathe good at all.

    2. , hopefully their lack of concern is a good thing but if you and your mom both feel like things aren't getting better quick enough and she is struggling, I would suggest reaching out again or getting a second opinion to see if their is a larger issue at play. It sounds like you are on top of things though and are an excellent support to your mom so i'm confident that you guys will get her feeling better soon! We're here in the meantime should you need any extra support. All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

  2. Thank you! She is definitely going to reach out to them soon here. They told her last week at urgent care she had strep throat, we were hoping maybe that infection was causing her new issues, they gave her an antibiotic. She is on the last day of the antibiotic and her throat still hurts so we aren’t sure the issue has been taken care of. She would really like to get an x ray to see if they can see if anything is going on to make her decline so quickly and rapidly. I’ll update if I find out new info. It’s hard to watch her struggle to walk from room to room. Thanks for reaching out!

    1. Can she use one of the electric carts in the grocery store? You could go with her so she can point out what she wants. Not the extra fun outing, but it might really lift her spirits to get out even though her oxygen needs are high at this point.

      1. I’m sorry for your loss! And I will look into that, thank you!

      2. Hi again, atrooper - I had no problems with the link. That is one very practical and useful looking van.
        Try this one:
        Perhaps this will work better now.
        All the best,
        Leon (site moderator

    2. I feel for Your Mom, maybe You should RETURN to DME / HME and have Their REPAIRMAN look it, If, NOT EXCHANGE the DEFECTIVE POC, for NEW one

      1. thank you for the comment! I honestly used to think it was defective, but now I just believe her breathing is that bad that walking is a struggle even with the oxegyn turned to the highest setting. She’s doing better now, doesn’t need to wear it all day like she was. She can get around without it, at least 😀

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