Hi SandyS and thanks for your post. Others in our community have, in fact, spoken of various pains in the rib and chest area. I thought you might find it helpful to look over the articles that summarize their comments which we have published on this very popular topic. First, this article from March 2016 on rib cramping: https://copd.net/living/community-feedback-rib-cramping/. And next, this article from September 2017 on relief for rib cramps: https://copd.net/living/relief-rib-cramping/.
I hope this provides you with a bit more insight to your concerns.
All the best,
Leon (site moderator)
Edi Mesa Member
Last Updated:
So I have the same issue and my doctor doesn't really help with it. Apparently it's very common among people with breathing difficulties. What I've done to alleviate the pain is placing a warm towel over my ribs.I think this helps the swelling caused my our lungs hitting against our ribs. I'm not a doctor so maybe talk to your doctor about placing a warm towel.