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Nitric Oxide Supplement

Has anyone tried Nitric Oxide as a supplement?

  1. Hi . I haven't seen nitric oxide mentioned in the community, but that doesn't mean no one has tried it. Hopefully, someone will jump in here with their experiences. Have you tried it or are you considering trying it? - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Considering trying it. As a vasodialator, I wonder if that helps any with better 02 saturation or less fatigue. If weight trainers use it, and it also mimics Viagra naturally, how can one not be curious. I have also read it is quite helpful to the female population as well. Haven't gotten a straight answer from my doctor on the subject, so I thought I would seek here....

      1. . Hi. 'm not an expert on nitric oxide, but I can share some insights. It was used in my hospital for sedation purposes in the past, although it's not used for that anymore. The effects of inhaled nitric oxide are generally short-lived. However, naturopathic doctors often recommend supplements like L-arginine or beetroot powder to help boost your body's own production of nitric oxide, which might offer some benefits. For more personalized advice, especially regarding its impact on oxygen saturation or fatigue, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional. What do you think? John. community moderator.

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